how are they scoring this

I have a problem with the way they score.... I thought the India duo was good and for it to get a 6 (Booooo)... and the Argentina individual dancer to get 10... she didn't do anything but lay on a chair... her routine was boring and dull.... I would really like to know how they score. Is it based on personal likes?

Proud Member of TAM (Tara+Sam True Blood)


Obviously, there are other influences here besides the dance.

I think that it's hard/stupid for them to try and judge dances from other countries especially since most of the judges dont seem to understand anything about the background or culture behind the dance.

For instance, the Indian duet was not the best duet, but I was so confused over the extremely low scoring. Same thing for the American duet and the Russian soloist. The judges dont understand that all because a dance doesnt have insane jumps and tricks in it doesnt mean its not a dance.

I especially hate the South African judge. Ugh how stuck up is he?
I also have a feeling sometimes the judges give some dancers lower scores so that their own country's dancers dont get bumped down

Just my two cents.

I'm not being funny, but.......


I know....

the tap dancer from New York, USA is an example how dare they score her so low.

and the second woman from india who did a traditional dance... I would have gave her a much higher number, even the coreopher (sp) was dumbfounded...

yet they gave the china duo (the woman who stood on the guys shoulders) 8's and they DID NOT dance... even the judges said so, yet they got 8.

I hope the scoring improves!!!

Proud Member of TAM (Tara+Sam True Blood)


Obviously if a girl wears little enough to turn on the guys, they get good marks. Even if their dancing is lame. Otherwise it's all terribly bias. I gave up after the first night.. and from the sounds of it, it never got any better

"When I was younger I had 2 imaginary friends.. problem was, theyd only play with each other."
