MovieChat Forums > Superstars of Dance (2009) Discussion > WTF?? America's Duet Score???

WTF?? America's Duet Score???

Ok, I would like to know if anyone agrees with me that the USA Duet team got majorly gipped of points for their duet routine tonight? I mean 7????? WHATT???? I sat there watching the entire routine thinking "hell yeah, america's kicking ass" and then that????????????? What did they see that was so wrong with the performance? If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Then I may be able to understand this.



I actually just came on here to see if anyone else thought that. it was crazy!


thank god i'm not like going crazy. i'm still confused about it. also, on the same note, did anyone else think that the judges gave the Russian soloist an unfair score? It seemed to me they just didn't understand contemporary dance.




They were incredible. I was in awe the whole time and my jaw dropped when they got seven after seven. The Argentinian tango dancers were at the same level andthey got much higher scores. I didn't understand at all.


That was total bull... there is obviously some American hate going on or something...

"When I was younger I had 2 imaginary friends.. problem was, theyd only play with each other."


I love SYTYCD and I love ethnic dance but this show was greatly underwhelming me. Until the American Duo. I told my husband: Sit back and wait for all 10's.

I was shocked when it not only didn't get all 10's but scored low. I can't believe I'm going to be such a whiner about this (since I normally don't get so worked up) but some of those acts were pretty lame. This one was original (at least to the regular tv viewer) and exciting. I fear I'm going to be disappointed with this show.


i completely agree. these judges are seriously on crack. they underscored the indian and american duet, overscored the russian duet, and overscored the argentinian solo. they should change the judges...

Grumble all you like, this is how it's going to be -Anne Boleyn



they're probably actors, not judges.

Grumble all you like, this is how it's going to be -Anne Boleyn


yes and if they are actors, it wont work. people wanna see judges be themselves, not play a character


Well the americans didn't do much dancing...they did alot of gymnastics, but hardly any dancing.


Well the americans didn't do much dancing...they did alot of gymnastics, but hardly any dancing.
And the monks did?


No, the monks didn't do much dancing and neither did the Argentine group from tonight.

This show sucks.



omg. i was freaking out about the russian duet. i thought it was the most boring thing everrrrr.


she was being a total bitch

lol, that's EXACTLY what i said on another thread. that fag obviously hates beautiful, traditional dances. and what about the australian judge? i want to kick her head off so badly.

Grumble all you like, this is how it's going to be -Anne Boleyn


omg i can't stand her!! she acts like such a paula abdul and then comes out with these horrible scores!


she's a bimbo.

Grumble all you like, this is how it's going to be -Anne Boleyn


Lets hope next weeks show is better and US group was very good. I'm cheering for Eric and Georgia the us pair. They are from Fort Walton Beach Fl (my home town) WHOOOT WHOOOt. I have seen them dance before they are amazing. I Actully work with erics wife who is super nice they are very good people


My dad was SO mad when they were scored low. I know it's hard to score the dances sometimes, but seriously, there was nothing wrong with that!

Stupid Argentina judege; I was laughing at her when they got voted off for the solo category.

Twilight Original # . . .(can't remember, lol. It was in in the 1000s, though)


Alright to the op, the American duet was stupid. They didn't freaken danced. All they did was show off that the guy is really strong, that is all. If you find that dance, then you have no *beep* clue what dance really is.


I thought the same thing!
They were as good or better than the Argentinean tango dancers.

I really do think the judges don't want America to win


Seriously, that routine was sick. My jaw dropped. I can't believe they got 7's I was expecting 10's.
