MovieChat Forums > Speed-Dating (2009) Discussion > Typical African movie, gar-bage

Typical African movie, gar-bage

No talent in the acting, writing and production.

Btw the girl on the cover is Vanessa Simmons. Run DMC's "Run" aka Joseph Simmons. It's Run's beautiful daughter. My suggestion is to run from this garbage movie of no talent typical african movies. Instead look up Vanessa Simmons and enjoy her curves and don't waste time or especially money on this trash!


This is an african movie?



It's an African-American movie,fool--I just saw some of it, and it was kind of funny. Also, you clearly haven't watched enough AA movies to even claim that they are all "garbage", as you put it. There are many good ones out there, you just have to find them. Don't make stupid assumptions based on a whole culture----hell, I've seen just as many "white" films that are even worse---don't try and pretend like they don't exist.
