I Wanted to Cry

I counted down the days until this movie was released. Every day I followed every news bit about this movie until it came out.
And then "it" was released. When I walked to the parking lot after watching "it," I wanted to cry. What did they do to his book? I never had any beef with Tobey Maguire. Up until I actually watched this movie, I thought he was the perfect Nick Carraway. Then "it" happened. I don't like Tobey Maguire anymore. This travesty of a movie. The Great Gatsby is my favorite book of all time. I hope this movie would drive interest in Fitzgerald's writings and more of his books/short stories (such excellent short stories) would be converted to film. I don't hold out hope anymore.
Sorry to you all. This is the equivalent of raging at the wind. Just throwing my angst out there.
