Screening in Greensboro 11/30-12/6

This film is being screened beginning this Friday, 11/30/12, in Greensboro, NC at the newly opened Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema located at 2134 Lawndale Drive.!/Geeksboro

If you're an animation fan like myself, you may want to make a trip depending on your location and if this is playing in your area or not. I assume it's a very limited release. The film appears to be playing for one week only.

Geeksboro is a pretty cool venue, as they have a full coffee bar, as well as baked goods, wine, and beer in addition to arcade cabinets, console gaming, and board games available to play in the lounge. They also do midnight shows on most Fridays for $7 of B-films where you get a free drink (drip coffee or draft beer) included with your ticket.

