The map is really impressive.

It's pretty much the same as it's big brother on the PS3/360.
I'm impressed they were able to fit the entire Liberty City on a handheld machine.

I know it's not street for street EXACTLY the same. But they do have the whole map covered just simplyfied.
If you know your way around Liberty on the "grown up consoles" then you can find your way around this version too.

It's a hell of an achivement.

Also one of the best GTAs I have played since Vice City. Definetly the best handheld version of GTA, didn't care much for the "stories" spin offs, but I think that wa mainly down to the PSP more then the game itself.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


yeah still dont like the top down though it just doesnt work

"wwe is a fake homosexual stuntshow"
