Where was this filmed?

Does anyone know where this was filmed? Curious about the lake location.


Somone on this board says Canada, but I can't find any other info. I'd like to know where it was filmed, too. It looked like a cool little town.



The studio is in Burnaby, B.C. (next to Vancouver)


As soon as I saw the opening shot of this film I had a feeling it was filmed in BC but just had to make sure. Vancouver is still a popular shooting location for MOW's


It was filmed in Silverdale, which is basically Mission, BC. The lake is a private lake called "Silvermere Lake". If your familiar with the area, you pass it on Lougheed Hwy by Hayward Street.

I know this because they filmed part of the movie at my Grandma's house (on the lake).

Although I have yet to see the movie...


Probably Canada.
