(spoiler) Bullying

I get the whole try and ignore the bully message. However, as soon as she was stabbed with the pencil in her back she should have immediately told her teacher. That would not be tattling but self preservation.


Not to mention it could have made a wound that got infected.


It was pretty hardcore that Tara basically shanked her in the middle of class!

LIFE: It's just a movie.


Yeah, I'm surprised that none of the other kids in the class saw it and said something. It was also interesting that the other mean girls, Jadyn and Sonali, were mean-spirited enough to actually laugh. You'd think they would be more jolted after seeing something like that. However, when you really think about it, it happened so fast that Chrissa was more shocked than anything else, and eager to just get out of the room as quickly as possible. As adults who are watching the movie, it seems most sensible to us that she tell her teacher immediately, but the fear of tattling runs deep with children, and Chrissa obviously had an issue with that throughout the movie. When you're a kid, everything seems so much bigger than it really is, especially when it pertains to bullying.


Yeah, I was surprised no one else saw it. Also, what if Chrissa screamed? Then Tara would've definitely gotten in trouble.


THAT's what seemed somewhat unrealistic to me. I mean, she got STABBED! Where's the screaming?


"Snitches get stitches" is a maxim that Tara takes literally. As you'll need to know if you ever wind up in prison, self preservation dictates that if someone is crazy enough to stab you in public, on a whim, you don't turn that person in. This is especially true if the perp in question is ten years old, and thus can literally get away with murder. Think how easy it would be for Tara to, say, mix poison or ground glass into some unfortunate student's lunch. She almost succeeded in killing off Chrissa's brother on the diving board - that's Bad Seed territory.


Actually Charissa's brother was stupid, he didn't have to though with it, and Charissa isn't as innocent as people think she was, she gave as good as she got, she was just as horrible as Tara was


WHERE the heck are you getting that, Sarah?
