$200 vs. $20,000

I totally believe it that aboriginal artists are exploited and get a pittance for their art as the film showed (Kitty got paid $200 and the painting was later on sale in an art gallery for $20,000).


That is pretty shocking. To think people who buy the paintings retail might even think they were helping out the artist through commission or something.


It is outrageous. But I remember Bruce Chatwin talking about this exploitation in his 80s travelogue The Songlines, which about the Outback and Aboriginal culture. It is apparently quite common. And Delilah wasn't able to garner those prices because she didn't have the name cache her grandmother did.

As I was watching this movie, I was thinking that the government should really step in to regulate this. It made me appreciate what I've always thought was a pretty atrocious system of treating Indians here in the U.S.

"The film is clearly rubbish, apart from the cannibalism."

