why do they not speak????

from the way that samson pronounced his name it appears that he may not speak very good english, that said, why did they not communicate on a verbal level???


Samson has a very bad stutter and such people usually try to avoid speaking as much as possible because it's so hard. Delilah can speak but stays quiet to respect Samson's silence. I think also a lot of their silence is due to the fact that they just don't have much to say. Can you imagine how many boring hours and days they've lived in between the few dramatic scenes the film shows?

This is from the Samson and Delilah FAQ (http://samsonanddelilah.com.au/faqs.php):
Why don’t the characters talk much?

Warwick [the director] thinks it’s more realistic for them to not speak too much from his own experience. There is a lot of communication that happens between them – it’s just not necessarily verbal. They use a lot of hand signals, which is a common language in Central Australia to communicate over long distances and traditionally to keep quiet when you entered someone else’s land.


Warwick [the director] thinks it’s more realistic for them to not speak too much from his own experience.

Producers also save a heap of money not having to employ a good script writer.


Oh shut up. You're just showing your naivety.


And jealousy...


For reasons similar to why you shouldn't write. They have no eloquence whatsoever and are downright embarrassing to listen to (or read). In your case, consider something essential to communication in the written form: punctuation. Duh.


I was under the impression that Delilah didn't know english or only had a rudimentary understanding of it.


That wouldn't have stopped her from communicating in her native language though.


Because film-makers can easily get away by lazily avoiding dialogue, and the easily impressed film enthusiasts mistake that for it being provocative. Look at other films like "only God forgives". If you just have a silent character and unflinching facial expressions, pretentious hipsters will look at it and go "whoa, so deep"


Making films without dialog and only relying on images is what true cinema is really about. Its not pretentious, its just that you lack an understanding of the history of cinema.


Making films without dialog and only relying on images is what true cinema is really about.
Lol, you literally sound like a parody of a pretentious tool. You also PROVED my point about it impressing the easily impressed. Also, the fact that you're so immature that you think that means I don't understand the history of cinema is like what a kindie kid would say. Also, the cinematography in this film was dull and repetitive. It's sad that you think people not talking = visually interesting.

If you understood the history of cinema, you'd realise that Samson and Delilah is nothing special in the slightest.


I was under the impression that Delilah didn't know english or only had a rudimentary understanding of it.

I don't know about that. They both seemed to understand the bum just fine.

I must say I would have liked her to speak a bit more, if only to compensate for Samson's eerie petrol-addled silence. She spoke quite eloquently to the grandma, so I don't see why she went so completely quiet afterwards. Then again, the silence suits the mood. It would be a completely different experience if she were a chatterbox.


I'm pretty sure it's because his brain was fried by petrol fumes.

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They just weren't big on talking... But to be honest it didn't really come to my mind that they didn't really speak until half-way through, their body-language did all of the talking really

Also I believe Samson was ashamed of his bad stuttering

We crash into each other, just so we can feel something.
