
I'm still unclear why Marianne and Anton were separated. Was he unfaithful?


Yes, he was unfaithful. This is revealed during his telephone conversation with his wife.


I got the feeling that one of both couples had an affair..
The son was already saying something about that in the shed.
And at the end the doctor wanted to go off immediately when he brought the son back to his dad.


In their phone conversation, she's talking about everytime he was back, he only spended time with "this girl" and she could never forgive him for that.


No, she said that when he was back home he was still thinking about "that girl". So I'm guessing he had a mistress in Africa.


It seems he was unfaithful from their late night phone conversation, but we never find out any details, just that Marianne tried to forgive him but she couldn't...

Jan 25, 2011 the day it all started. Walk like an Egyptian or just protest like one!


Some one E-mailed me and said the kids brought them back together, and also he apologized over the phone, I felt confused by the ending but was leaning towards she forgave him in the wake of all that happened.


yes, so then she banged Christian's dad to get back at him, they met during his wife's lenghty stay in the hospital before she died of cancer. Elias' mom was her nurse.


Is this correct, because I did not remember it.


tundrawolf where did you get this info from? I had only heard there may have been a deleted scene where Marianne kissed Christian's father but nothing that even hinted they were having a full on affair.

I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.


I think that poster is just being sarcastic, what woman wants to have sex with a husband with a dying wife. She did not seem that way at all, to only be doing it to get back at her husband is even more ridiculous, plus there was nothing to even remotely indicate this. I don't think they even watched the movie.


The scene was cut it`s on the dvd
