Movies on TV

Does anyone know what the movies on the television are?


I was trying to figure that out, too. One of them looked very familiar but I couldn't place it.
By the way, I agree with your other statements about how good this movie is for the low budget. Once you get past the first part of the movie, which seemed to be just a lot of the main character cleaning the house, it gets better and better. I almost turned it off at first, but I am glad I decided to give it more time.
It actually turned out to be quite chilling, in my opinion. Not overdone like a lot of the other movies of it's type. I say congrats to the makers of this film.


Also wondering about this. They're not listed in the credits.


Damn! I was dying to know that too! They seemed so familiar. I hope somebody figures it out.


All the movies shown on the TV screen were short films previously made by the filmmakers: Psycho Hillbilly Cabin Massacre (2007), The Life and Death Experiences of Young Beth Byrd (2007), Frankie (2006).

Bonus easter egg: The actress who plays the sister at the end of the movie is actually in one of the films playing on the TV. So is he watching home movies? Or does he just have a famous sister?
