mirrors and ending

I really liked this movie. I thought the lead actor was definitely strong enough to carry the movie and I loved his "freak-out" face. Especially when he sees the little girl running around with the mask!
I was wondering why there were so many mirrors in every scene. Was that to show his inner stress and turmoil? I got the whole Korean thing being a part of what he's trying to learn, like the piano. But I hated the ending. I did wonder if the little girl in the mask represented that satan knew she would eventually be the one that gets exchanged.
Also, Jared is a D*CK.
Anyway, wish there was more discussion here, either way. C'mon people!


What I wondered is why Eric thought Jared would do "the exchange" again?



What I wondered is why Eric thought Jared would do "the exchange" again?

At first, I wondered that too. But then I realized that Eric figured he had managed NOT to 'let' Jared know that the ceremony had worked!

Eric had snapped at Jared on the phone about leaving lit candles in the room, and told him angrily to 'take care of it yourself when you get home'.

So Jared assumes that Eric has NOT blown the candles out yet....so Jared would have no choice to blow them out!

Unfortunately, Eric is so traumatized by the time Jared returns the next morning....that Jared realized he HAD done the ritual after all!

(And of course we see Eric's little sister do it anyway...)

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.
