America's little world

A read many posts from guys living in America, and its funny how all of they believe in their little inner world. World where America its best place on the planet, and other countries its a prisons, all presidents across the world is evil dictators, only in USA people can elect real president. And american people really believe in this, they watch on TV how bad other nation live, how bad their presidents, and almost whole world it's a big prison, because guys on TV say so.

Just want to say that all of that have nothing with reality. First exapmple Iran, US media create the show where many people go to meetings against president Ahmadinejad‎, camera shows thousands of people, all of them yelling slogans about democracy and other things. All of this fake. First of all people who filming this show, have a special lens, and take a special angle for filming. So when 100 or 200 guys coming to meeting, on TV it looks like half of all country coming to protest. In reallity only couple percents don't support president, and people who coming on meeting, its just homeless or poor students, for 10$ they will yell anything. About sound, it special too, they recorded voice of one man, for example he yelling "we hate president", after that with special filters they create sound thats sounds like big stadium. So it looks like all people yelling the same thing. If you mix this fake sound with video where people come to support president, it will be like all that people says that they hate him. Because most of American people dont know iranian language, sometime TV just show meetings of goverment supporters, and say that all of this people hate iranian goverment.

Next example - Russia, in US media Putin is evil maniac who killing everybody who talk about democracy. And Gorbachev is a man who save Russia. Of course all of this not true. In Russia Gorbachev are most hated man across all country, he is national symbol of betrayal. And most of russians absolutely support Putin, he have very high rate in Russia, today its more than 80%, and it's not just numbers. But sometimes guys in CIA need to show that Putin it's evil communist who want to get whole world. How to do this? Very simple. They send to Russia some journalist, who make some articles about how hard to live in Russia, after that CIA send killer, who kill journalist. After that mass media in US yelling about sensation "Putin - Bloody Dictator". In reality people in Russia dont even know who was that journalist, most of this "news" showing in US.

About Latin America, US mass media very like this region, of course, so many countries that controls by evil dictators. So much people need to be liberated. But try to think for a second, whole Latin America controlled by USA more than 100 years, and all that time people were slaves, most brutal dictators was pro american generals who take power across all continent, and kill millions of people. And today first time in history Latin America have real leaders, have strong education system, strong medicine, strong army. And what US says? they said all this leaders are terrorist. Little example about Huzo Chavez, in 2002 CIA make a coup in Venezuela, they send Chavez to prison and declare that they have new president. You know what happened next? Millions of Venezuelans come to a meetings and say that they ready to die for Chavez. CIA just don't have a choice, real president back to his place. And in another LA countries people love their leaders even more, for example presiden of Brazil is absolutely amazing man, who make Brazil one of the fastest growing economy in the world.

Biggest problem of US, is that they cant admit that some countries can be independent, US need total control. And if somebody dont want to be under controll, he is terrorist.

Just open your eyes, Oliver Stone's films can help with it.

P.S. About election in USA, you can chiose only between 2 party, and both of them almost identical, you called it democracy?



whole Latin America controlled by USA more than 100 years,

Actually he's right about that. In the 20th Century alone, the United States intervened militarily in Latin American FORTY FIVE TIMES!

For most of the 20th Century the United States controlled the governments of Panama, Nicaragua and Cuba directly. They also financed dictators and their repressive apparatus in El Salvador, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Chile.

The U.S. (through the CIA) destroyed the first democratically elected government of Guatemala (1954) and the Dominican Republic (1963) as well as the democratically elected governments of Brazil (1964) and Chile (1971).

American corporations also dominated the natural resources of Latin America: United Fruit deposed Central American dictators and presidents at will and owned most of the arable land in Guatemala. An American corporation controlled Chile's copper.

Learn some of your own history before you start talking about things you don't know about Ultra.

The most Pinochet ever killed was a couple thousand,

So? That's already a couple of thousand more than Chavez or Allende whom he deposed.

He not only killed more than 3,000 Chileans but he also had over 80,000 political prisoners and exiled over 200,000 Chileans.


Fidel Castro arrests 75 dissidents and you right-wingers go into convulsions. Pinochet arrests 80,000 people and it's business as usual. Hypocrites.

And of course, you are completely overlooking Operation Condor, the global network created by Pinochet's DINA with the intelligence services of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil who over the course of 15 years killed over 60,000 of their own citizens across the globe.


and practically all of them were foreign communists who were trying to take over his country.

Really? That's probably news to Victor Jarra, a leftist pop singer who was jailed, tortured and killed the day AFTER Pinochet took power. Or to General Carlos Pratt, who opposed the coup, went into exile and was killed by the DINA in Buenos Aires. Or General Rene Schneider, another General who opposed the coup and was assassinated by the CIA and forces loyal to Pinochet. Or Orlando Letelier, Foreign Minister under Allende who was murdered by the DINA in Washington D.C. in 1976.

Get the point? Good. Always good to put obfuscators in their place.

Interestingly enough, he let many more communists go free

What is interesting is the mental gymnastics you fascists do in order to whitewash your hallowed murderers. Pinochet is hailed as the savior of Chilean democracy while Allende is the Communist dictator...of course during his entire administration Allende never once banned an opposition party, deprived this opponents the right to vote, exiled them, tortured them or suspended Congress. Pinoched DID ALL THREE for 17 years.

Where's the outrage?

The same kind of hypocrisy surrounds Chavez opponents. When a right-wing, CIA-backed, blue blood dictator finally takes out Chavez and goes on a killing and torturing spree the likes of which Chavez has never done himself I would love to see how many of these Venezuealan parasites we see condemning it.

I won't hold my breath.



Intervention is not synonymous with control.

Yes it is. Why play this game? You and I both know that if a country feels free to intervene in the affairs of another at will for whatever reason it deems necessary it is because the intervening country is firmly in control of the intervened.

The United States’s intervention was a clear sign of its control. It would depose and replace presidents at will (Dominican Republic 1965), invade to change election results it did not like (Nicaragua 1909), invade to collect private debts (Dominican Republic 1904), invade to “avenge” imagined insults (Mexico 1914), invade to stop popular movements it deemed dangerous to its interests (Cuba 1912), etc.

It has invaded Latin American countries to put down rebellious sugar workers, to create canals, to ensure American corporations dominated their environment and to protect American bankers.

It rewrote the Panamanian constitution, occupied Nicaragua for 21 years, Haiti for 19 years and the Dominican Republic for 8 years. It forced the Cuban government to sign the Platt Agreement which stated that the United States could intervene at will in Cuban affairs. The actions of an Empire.

But of course…”intervention” does not mean “control”…


We intervened in Yugoslavia in the 90s but that doesn't mean we controlled Yugoslavia, does it?

Please. Two completely different situations. The United States intervened in Yugoslavia under the aegis of an U.N. Peacekeeping Force with full knowledge and support of the United Nations. And it did to stop the genocidal actions of one nation towards a defenseless people.

American intervention in Latin America was nothing of the sort. It was done for purely economical and political reasons. The United States helping United Fruit dominate Guatemalan politics is as far away from assisting Bosnian refugees not get raped and massacred as possible.

I am actually a little offended about the sheer inappropriateness of the comparison. But hey, when you’re talking to the Right you have to suspend your moral outrage…they will exhaust you.

Of course I know that "intervening" doesn't sound as evil as "controlling" does, but try to use the correct words, okay?

No. You want to play clever word games and use euphemisms to obfuscate the truth. The United States controlled Latin America pure and simple. Its interventions were not humanitarian, were not called for by the peoples of the countries being invaded and its main goals were to keep American economic interests in power.

Hitler used the same defense you did by the way to justify his invasion of Czechoslovakia (to protect Sudeten Germans) and Poland (to protect German citizens in Danzig). Funny how parallel right-wing thought runs with Nazi though isn’t it?

What happened throughout the 20th century was a proxy war between two competing powers, the US and the USSR.

Gee…I had no idea what the Cold War was. Thanks for the lesson bro! But seriously…

Sorry to burst your bubble but the United States was intervening in Latin America decades before the Soviet Union. Years before Lenin was even born. When the United States was in Nicaragua, massacring peasants and creating the tyrannical National Guard in the 1920s and 1930s it had nothing to do with Communism.

Once the Cold War started the United States changed its language as well. Before, it was about stopping instability and protecting American interests. Now it was to stop Communism and defend democracy. It’s called propaganda. Look it up because it was very successful with you.

But then again…maybe you really do think William Walker’s invasion of Nicaragua in 1855 and subsequent re-legalization of slavery there was some kind of anti-Communist operation.

This was the crux of the Cold War.

The Cold War was an excuse for the Soviet Union to oppress its subjugate peoples and Eastern Europe and it was an excuse for the United States to crush popular, reformist movements in the Third World.

That’s all it was.

If the US had little business intervening in Latin American affairs, the Soviets had even less business doing so.

How humorous. You defend American intervention but Soviet intervention is anathema. What makes American intervention so much better? Considering that for the most time it brought nothing but misery to the countries involved I have no idea why either intervention was preferable.

But here’s the funny thing: you can argue that Soviet intervention was truly part of Cold War politics since it didn’t really start until the Cold War. But American intervention had been going on a hundred years before the Cold War. For the United States, their behavior in Latin America during the Cold War was just business as usual: an extension of what they had been already been doing for as long as they could remember.

Except now that they could dress up their colonialism with pretty words like “democracy” and “freedom”.

Remember that little thing called the Cuban Missile Crisis? Well that's what happens when you let the USSR take over countries near the US: they become bases of operation that threaten innocent lives and lead nations into all-out war.

You seem to forget that at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis the United States had missiles in Turkey, Pakistan and Iran. All pointed at the Soviet Union.

Conservative logic befuddles me: it’s perfectly ok for the United States to threaten Soviet citizens with constant radioactive death by placing missiles within spitting distance of Moscow but it’s a crime against humanity for the Soviets to do the same.

And another thing: the Cubans were the ones who asked for the nuclear missiles. They were afraid of an American invasion and wanted a deterrent. Guess what? They were right to be afraid. Considering Latin American history it is almost 100% sure that the United States would have invaded Cuba and replaced Castro with its own handpicked, right wing dictator.

Allende was an avowed Stalinist;

You should look up what “Stalinist” means. Methinks you don’t know what the term means since you are labeling Allende that. Allende was a lifelong member of the Socialist Party of Chile, a party that prided itself in respecting Chilean democratic traditions.

There were actually many other parties in Chile much more radical and further to the Left than Allende’s party. He could’ve joined any of those parties at any moment.

No matter how much you reactionaries rave and moan you cannot escape the fact that Allende was a democrat. You cannot escape the fact that his entire life Allende respected the democratic process of Chile which is more than you can say about Pinochet and the United States.

He ran for President three times before he won an election. A Stalinist would have taken to the streets and taken power by force. Instead he respected the results of every election and peacefully ran for another until he was chosen, BY THE CHILEAN PEOPLE, to be their President.

And even during his Presidency, even as right-wing Chileans openly marched, armed to the teeth, calling for a coup and a right wing dictatorship he never jailed, tortured and murdered his opposition. He never banned opposition parties or stopped them from speaking.

Pinochet, your hero, did all of that within a fortnight of taking power. He filled a soccer stadium with his opponents and machine gunned them to death. He tortured his enemies and dropped them from helicopters. He sent goon squads around the planet to murder officials from the Allende regime.

Show me ONE shred of evidence that Allende did anything of the sort.

had he maintained control of Chile he may have murdered tens of thousands, or possibly more.

And had Washington lived three more years he would have reached the Moon with a rocket he built in his backyard. See? I can make up facts too. It’s fun. Maybe that’s why you do it so often.

Ask the families of the Mestizo indians what they thought of Allende.

You tell me. Give me a credible source and some documentation that these “Mestizo” Indians disapproved of Allende and tell me why. I’m waiting.

His regime started out much like Stalin's and Mao's: one of his first orders of business was to destroy private ownership of land.

Methinks someone needs to go back to school ASAP. Stalin inherited a dictatorial one party state and Mao fought 21 year civil war to obtain power. Allende was democratically elected by the Chilean people. They had nothing in common.

By 1973, over 60% of Chilean citizens' land had been confiscated by Allende and his thugs.

Source? Would love one. Here’s a FACT: Allende’s predecessor Eduardo Frei started confiscating land long before Allende did it. By the time Allende took power over 25% of Chile’s land was under governmental control. Allende merely continued what Frei started.

Allende was actually quite vocal about everything that he planned to do during his election. The fact that he was still elected by the Chilean people shows you that maybe, just maybe, most Chileans actually agreed with his policies.

SOURCE: Simon Collier & William F. Sater (1996). A History of Chile: 1808-1994. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

During this time, Soviet bloc agents (including KGB officials such as Viktor Efremov, Vasili Stepanov and Nikolai Kotchanov) had been establishing what were called "guerilla training schools" throughout the nation, and much like Lenin's Cheka and Stalin's NKVD, these death squads were going from village to village murdering almost indiscriminantly.

Source for that last sentence? Would love one or two.

The Soviet involvement in the massacres was undeniable; in December of 1972 Allende had met with Boris Ponomariev, who was the head of the CPSU Central Committee, which controlled and funded all western communist political movements.

That’s a pretty big jump Agent Mulder. Allende met with a high official of the USSR, a country that Chile was in good terms with…hmmm…that MUST mean that the Soviet Union was training and funding hundreds of thousands of people to kill indiscrimately!!


When you take into account that there were over 30,000 communist agents operating in Chile at the time,

I guess if you consider every Chilean who wanted to change his country a “communist agent” then I guess your statement could be true. Otherwise…it’s just like everything else you claim: unfounded BS.

No doubt Pinochet killed some innocents as well, but to portray him as some sort of heartless, purely evil dictator is pure nonsense.

You are the one going into cartoonish histrionics. I never stated that he was “evil” or “heartless”. For all I know he was kind to his dogs and kissed his granddaughters good night. I merely mentioned the facts: that he did all you right wingers accuse Allende of doing…he shredded the Chilean constitution, jailed his opponents, exiled tens of thousands, set up torture centers across Chile and destroyed the Opposition and the Chilean economy.

Not to mention the fact that some of Pinochet's alleged "victims," like German Cofre (who was a symbol to leftists in the country) actually turn up alive every now and then. Fancy that.

The funny thing is that your inane defense above was exactly the same defense the DINA used in the 1970s. It was ridiculous then. It’s ridiculous now. Pinochet and his goons killed thousands of innocent people. We have their names. We know who they are. I named several in my last post. I noticed you neatly sidestepped them. That’s cool. I guess I would do the same if it made me look like a dumbass.

There's a lot of whining by leftists and socialists about Pinochet, Reagan, McCarthy, and Thatcher, yet one hardly ever sees these people directing their rage at Lenin, Stalin, and Mao.

Were where you during the 20th Century Professor? Did you blissfully miss the fact that some of the first people to oppose Lenin and the USSR were Socialists? In the 1918 General Russian election the Bolsheviks were defeated by Socialists who opposed their policies. During the invasion of Georgia in 1924, the USSR was seeking to destroy a Socialist regime. Stalin killed thousands of Socialists. Orwell was a Socialist who bitterly opposed Stalin and the USSR.

Get off your ass, go to a Library and research your history before you mouth off. There’s a difference between Socialists and Communists.

Maybe the reason why we Socialists have such a low view of human trash like Thatcher and Reagan is because they viewed anyone, anywhere who wanted to reform their country’s unjust economical systems as “communists”.

Why is that? Where are all the Hollywood films and documentaries about the 20-40 million that were murdered in the USSR, or the 700,000 that the Khmer Rouge killed?

The Killing Fields, Doctor Zhivago, Enemy at the Gates, Heaven and Earth, Stalin, The Inner Circle, Before Night Falls, I Am David, Land and Freedom, The Lost City, etc etc.

Only right wing sycophants believe that Hollywood doesn’t produce films critical of Communism.

Will Stone ever make a film about the 8-10 million Ukrainians murdered during the Holodomor or the millions of people the communists murdered after the US left Vietnam?

Why should he? Maybe it’s a field that doesn’t interest him? Do you go to the Spielberg board and complain that he should direct a film about the German suffering in East Prussia under Soviet Occupation? Why is a director obligated to make films about every tragedy in history?

There’s nothing stopping anyone from making any film. The Vietnamese American community got together and financed and produced Journey from the Fall, retelling the suffering of the Boat People in the 1970s. It was a tremendous success.

Why don’t you right-wing shills put your money where your mouth is?

Will there ever be any Oscar-winning films about the 60 million people that were murdered during Mao's reign? I guess not, since Hollywood is filled with communists propagandists like Stone.

Everyone to the left of Rush Limbaugh is a “communist” to you people. The word is meaningless coming from your lips.


devirginizer! damn dude that name is pretty off color, but do you have a blog or something I can follow your postings on besides IMDB regarding these global issues? You OWN all these fools trying to speak that BS... Really good stuff!



but do you have a blog or something I can follow your postings on besides IMDB regarding these global issues?

Thanks for your support bro but I’m a medical student. I barely have time to jerk off much less keep a blog. But you can always find me here on IMDB fighting the good fight.

Okay genius, so do you think we "controlled" (or otherwise currently control) Iran, Mexico, Haiti, Guatemala, Turkey, China, Egypt, Lebanon, Laos, Indonesia, Oman, Liberia, Somalia, Albania, and Pakistan? Because, you know, we've had troops intervening in those countries' affairs as well but I don't see anyone claiming that we control them.

My God son I provided you with several examples of how American intervention in Latin America was a symptom of a larger disease: the domination of those countries by the United States.

How can anyone read the Platt Agreement which the U.S. forced Cuba to sign in 1901 and which allows the United States to intervene in Cuban affairs AT WILL and prohibited Cuba from engaging in foreign relations with any country without American approval and not see it as evidence of a country controlling another?

When Nicaragua’s National Bank is controlled by the New York Brown Brothers Bank (which held majority ownership), and its board of directors meets in New York, is composed entirely of Americans with one token Nicaraguan and decides the everyday running of Nicaragua’s economy…how is that not control?

Please tell me. I’m dying to know how benign American intervention has been in Latin America for more than a hundred years. I’m dying to know how the United States dictating internal policy to Latin American countries, deciding who they can or cannot trade with and rewriting their Constitutions is not control.

Oh, and let me see if I have your goofy definition of "intervention" straight: the reason why one nation intervenes in the affairs of another is because it "controls" that nation. Wow, you see, I would have thought that one nation intervenes in another because the situation in that country is out of their control. I mean, if that nation were under control, there wouldn't be any need for intervention in the first place, now would there?

If you would just educate yourself for like one day…just one day…on the history of Latin America maybe you wouldn’t sound like an idiot. When a country subservient to another country starts to loosen the shackles then the dominant country has to move in and put things to rights. This is an INTERVENTION. It’s done so that the imperialistic power can be BACK IN CONTROL. And there might be other interventions…many in fact…as long as the subject country/people does not quietly accept domination.

Even the Roman Empire had to constantly put down rebellions to its rule. No one is arguing that this constant intervention meant that the Roman Empire did not dominate those peoples.

No sh*t Sherlock, Latin America is geographically close to the United States so of course there's going to be decades upon decades of intervention.

Uh…that’s funny. I thought you were arguing that American intervention was the result of the COLD WAR! I guess this is a hopeful sign. You are admitting that American intervention in the affairs of Latin American countries predates the Cold War by more than one hundred years. Sweet.

What on earth do you think European and Asian powers did with their neighbors for centuries before Big Bad America came along, you think they stuck to their own borders and behaved peacefully, completely respectful of their neighbors?

No. They were imperialistic power, invading, subjugating and exploiting smaller countries. I’m glad you are admitting that the United States was behaving the same exact way with Latin America during the same time.

And anyway, this has no bearing on the fact that the Cold War saw a fundamental shift in America's policy towards Latin America.

What was that fundamental shift Professor? Pray tell. You have already admitted that the U.S. was intervening in the affairs of Latin American countries well before the Cold War. So what exactly changed during the Cold War? What did the United States do differently?

The answer is of course…nothing. American modus operandi was still the same. American corporations were to be allowed to operate freely and without any interference. The U.S. invaded Honduras in 1923 after its government tried to curb United Fruit Co. and it brought down Guatemala’s government in 1954 for the SAME EXACT REASON. The only difference was that in 1954 the U.S. could claim that there was Communism afoot.

Same behavior…just different justifications. Imperialism wrapped in more respectable clothing. It worked. Look at you.

Because Latin America falls under our zone of influence while the USSR was thousands of miles away? Logic isn't one of your specialities, is it?

The United States had missiles in Pakistan and Turkey…countries also thousands of miles away from the U.S. And of course there were military bases in West Germany, Iceland, the Philippines, South Korea, etc.

Maybe YOU should take a course in Basic Logic since you clearly contradict yourself every other sentence. On one hand, you admit that the Cold War was a global struggle so American intervention in other countries far away from it was perfectly ok…yet when the Soviet Union engages in the same behavior suddenly its deeply immoral.

You are giving me a headache.

Practically all of them obsolete Jupiter 2 missiles that neither the American nor the Soviet governments actually cared about.

Uh…sure they didn’t. And what Magic Fantasy Land are you from?

The PGM-19 Jupiter MRBMs had a range of 2,410 km. Google a map of Europe and do some quick math. Those “obsolete” missiles could still reach Moscow and pretty much EVERY MAJOR SOVIET URBAN CENTER from Turkey. And by the way…there were over 100 of them in Turkey, Italy and the Middle East. All ready to deliver more than 4 megatons up Khruschev’s brownhole.


And of course…that’s not even mentioned the missiles in West Germany, the UK, Iceland, South Korea and Japan….all pointed at the USSR.

But of course to people like you logic is not in play. It’s ok for the U.S. to aggressively surround a country with nuclear warheads but God forbid that country even tries to even the game a bit and try to defend itself.

Khrushchev’s decision to put missiles into Cuba was primarily a psychological move to distract the US from the USSR's languishing industrial prowess throughout the 60s.

Cool. Unfounded pop psychology has just entered the discussion. Let me try…Kennedy had a deep fear of Russians stemming from his near-rape by a massive Kiev longshoreman in 1944.

Provide me some evidence for your ridiculous statement and I’ll provide you evidence of mine.

After the Bay of Pigs invasion, the last thing the Kennedy administration would have wanted was another botched invasion of Cuba. Your baseless speculation makes absolutely no sense from a historical perspective.

My “baseless” speculation? One hundred years of American intervention in Latin America seems to have completely escaped your attention…but here’s a hint: it did not escape Castro’s. We Latin Americans know our history. We know from experience what the U.S. is capable of. The United States invaded Nicaragua and stayed there for more than 20 years. Why would it not do the same thing to Cuba?

The very fact that the Bay of Pigs Invasion was attempted would have put ANY leader on edge. Is this a pathology with you? This deep denial that your country has invaded and occupied Latin American countries MANY times and that every reformist Latin American leader fears that?

Yes, because as we all know, Hitler adhered to the tenets of democracy after he was democratically elected by the German people

Before he played at electoral politics he tried to forcibly take power in a coup in 1923. Open a book for once. I’m tired of giving you these history lessons free of charge. Allende did nothing of the sort.

"Stalin was a banner of creativity, of humanism and an edifying picture of peace and heroism! Everything he did, he did in service of the people. Our father Stalin has died but in remembering his example our affection for him will cause our arms to grow strong towards building a grand tomorrow—to insure a future in memory of his grand example!"


What exactly is that quote supposed to show? That the man admired Stalin? EVERY Communist before the Secret Speech did. The argument here wasn’t whether or not Allende admired Stalin or not. It was whether or not he was a Stalinist which you still haven’t given any evidence showing that he was. On the other hand there’s PLENTY of evidence showing that the man respected the democratic process of Chile…at least a lot more than your hero Pinochet did.

Ah, I see. That makes it okay, as long as your predecessor started it.

Haha…ah…such ignorance makes me wanna cry sometimes. No Professor, I am merely pointing out that Eduardo Frei did exactly what Allende did…where was the coup against him? In fact, your beloved CIA loved Frei considering it gave Frei millions of dollars during the 1964 Presidential campaign when he defeated Allende.

So even the opposition to Allende agreed with the land expropriations. It was a widely popular idea with the Chilean people. The only people who didn’t like it were American corporations and the American government. But alas, both of those entities have never been known to respect the wishes of the people.

No, Allende met with the Soviet in charge of Latin American communist operations. Did you even read what I wrote or are you purposefully being stupid?

I read what you wrote, actually did some real research about it and found out you were wrong. Again. I wanted to spare you the embarrassment but you won’t even give me that high road. Boris Ponomarev wasn’t some shadowy figure, pulling strings in Latin America. He was the chief of the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee and a Politburo member. It was his job to promote Communism worldwide. Not just in Chile. This was publicly known.

Next time…please…do a little legwork and spare me this waste of time. Nothing in my post was inaccurate. I stated that Boris was a high Soviet official. And he was.

And I guess if you consider every communist agent to be merely someone who wanted "change" in his country, maybe your rebuttal actually isn't just speculative leftist bull.

What do you think Communists want to do John Birch? They want to change their countries, culturally and economically. That’s their raison d’etre.

Of course, that piece of idiocy from you aside, what I clearly meant was that your figure of 30,000 communist “agents” was a ridiculous figure with no foundation in reality or common sense. I don’t think the USSR had 30,000 agents in the planet in 1973.

My statement was also pointing out the delightful fact that for most of the Cold War the United States and its right-wing stool pigeons (i.e. you) parroted that same line…that all the people who wanted to change their countries were “communist agents”. It never crossed their minds that sometimes they were just human beings tired of seeing never-changing misery all around them.

When Allende was in power, inflation was at an annual rate of about 1000% and per capita GDP was even lower than Argentina's. By the time Pinochet stepped down, Chile had the wealthiest people in South America, as well as the lowest level of corruption, infant mortality rates, and number of people living below the poverty line.

Sounds pretty rosy. Too bad it’s all *beep*

Pinochet’s rule was a disaster to Chile. Under Pinochet’s wise rule the percentage of households living below the poverty and indigence lines skyrocketed. In 1970, before Pinochet took power, 17% of Chilean household incomes were below the poverty line; by 1990, the rate had doubled, with 35% of the households living in poverty.


In 1973, the year General Pinochet brutally seized the government, Chile's unemployment rate was 4.3%. In 1983, after ten years of free-market modernization, unemployment reached 22%. Real wages declined by 40% under military rule.

After nine years of economics Chicago style, Chile's industry keeled over and died. In 1982 and 1983, GDP dropped 19%.

SOURCE: cle-of-chile-2/

Tell me again how good Pinochet was to Chile.

And about Chile being so much better thanks to Pinochet: in 2006, according to statistics released by Chile’s CAS around 58% of Chileans lived near or below poverty levels; 20.6% in extreme poverty.

Chile also suffered from one of the most uneven distributions of wealth in the world, ahead only of Brazil in the Latin American region, and lagging behind even of most developing Sub- Saharan African nations.


Imagine what a paradise Latin America would be if every country in it had its own Pinochet.

Two to three thousand communists (out of over 30,000) who were trying to turn Chile into a puppet state for Moscow. Oh but of course, they were all innocent, right?

Care to enlighten me how exactly they wanted to turn Chile into a puppet state of Moscow? I would love to know. If you’re talking about the guerillas who fought against Pinochet then again you are dead wrong. If you knew an iota about Latin America history you would know that the USSR did not support armed movements in Latin America. They labeled it “Maoism”.

And by the way your statement makes no sense. If only 3,000 Communists wanted to turn Chile into a Soviet puppet state, what were the other 28,000 Communist agents doing? Turning Chile into an Albanian puppet state maybe?

Such asinine statements do not help your case.

Uh, not because they disliked the Bolshevik revolution or its goals but because they wanted power for themselves.

Actually they were completely opposed to the Bolsheviks. Alexander Kerensky, a member of the Social Revolutionary Party, was deposed by the Bolsheviks in 1917. When the SRs won 35% of the votes in the general elections of November 1917 (the first democratic elections Russians ever had) as opposed to the Bolsheviks’ 18% the Bolsheviks dissolved the Constituent Assembly in January of 1918.

The leader of the biggest revolt against the Bolsheviks in 1920-21, the Tambov Rebellion, was Alexander Antonov, a former SR.

This is all news to you isn’t it? Your historical ignorance is of course, prevalent among the right-wing who love to opine loudly about things they know next to nothing about.

Typically the weaker ones get executed or exiled. Really, only someone as dumb as you could think this somehow helps your argument.

Since that wasn’t my argument I believe you are just talking to yourself again…like a moron. My argument was that there’s a difference between Socialism and Communism and that some of the most ardent opponents of the Bolshevik regime were Socialists.

You are just doing what your kind has been doing since the birth of Marxism: painting all Socialists with the same brush when there are facets and factions and trains of thought that are widely divergent from one another. This is also of course, how fascists drum up support for their wars…they just point to an adversary and diminish the obvious divisions between them to try to dehumanize them into one amorphous threatening mass.

Congratulations on keeping up that proud tradition

Or maybe it's because you adhere to an economic and social system that has failed spectacularly numerous times throughout the ages? No, that can't be it, can it?

Socialism has failed? That’s funny because last I checked there were more Socialist Parties on Earth now than at anytime before. Socialist thought is firmly embedded into the economic systems of every Western democracy…and in many Eastern ones too. Socialism saved your country after Capitalism plunged it into the Deep Hole of the Great Depression.

Even the deformed Socialism of the USSR (“communism”) created the second most industrialized nation on Earth. Communist countries were putting men on space while capitalist Bolivia was still selling Indian servants together with farms.

There’s a reason why Socialist parties continue to win elections in every country in the World where there’s misery and injustice. The people know what Party stands for them and their interests. Socialist parties are even popular in Eastern European countries. Even they know better than you.

Unfortunately none of these films go into the Holodomor or show the true extent of the mass killings that occurred in the USSR.

Aw geez…first, the bellyaching was that Hollywood didn’t make any films depicting Communist brutality. When I showed that this was a false claim you shift the argument. Now the bitching is that Hollywood doesn’t show SPECIFIC crimes that YOU want depicted. You can’t argue with such people.

And by the way, STALIN (1992) with Robert Duvall makes it a major plot point that Stalin was to blame for the Ukrainian famine.

Nothing about the Special Camps, the Cheka, or any extensive information on the gulag system. Certainly nothing on people like Lazar Kaganovich, one of the worst mass murderers in history.

They haven’t made a film about Pinochet either. Or Stroessner who ruled Paraguay longer than Stalin ruled the USSR. Or the Somozas…or Trujilo…or Rios-Montt, who killed as many people as the Great Purge did. Your point?

And why did you even list Heaven and Earth there, or Dr. Zhivago?

Sigh…because they both depict Communist brutality, i.e. poets being sent to labor camps and Viet-Cong guerrillas raping women as a tool of war. By the way, Heaven and Earth was directed by your archenemy Oliver Stone. Funny isn’t it? I think someone forgot to tell him that he is a Communist propagandist.

Now I know you leftists much prefer to engage in rhetoric as opposed to openly discussing facts, but at the end of the day, you have to admit that the facts just aren't on your side.

I will let my post stand as a retort to this hilarious statement.


I'll just wade in here toward the end of your post, where you talk about modern-day socialism.

I'm what I would call a social democrat, which, despite the "socialist" label that most mainstream left-wing parties in many countries apply to themselves, is actually a more accurate definition for them. I support this type of leftism: a large welfare state combined with free enterprise. Incidentally, this is also what Chile had until very recently, what Brazil has, what Uruguay has, etc, and what, in my opinion, has led to their rapid recent success.

Hugo Chavez and his Bolivarian revolution is different. That's democratic socialism, as opposed to social democracy. In essence, a command economy within a democratic framework. Venezuela and Bolivia seem to be employing this method. And I think it's going to result in the same problems and failures facing other command economies.

What is interesting (finally tying this thread back to the documentary) is how Stone will show the similarities between the two movements in South America.



OK 'UltraOK' you win !

U win the the monthly award!

The award for:

dumb, dumber, the dumbest !

congrats !


No, you tell me, what did America's century-long "control" of Latin America lead to, prior to the invasions of the benevolent, peaceful communists and their Soviet puppetmasters?

America’s century long history of interventions in Latin America destroyed nascent democracies, suffocated popular movements in the cradle and strangled Latin America’s economy by both forcing it to open its borders to American corporations and by taking control of Latin American natural resources.

How much different would Latin America be today if the democratic movements the United States destroyed had been allowed to do what they wanted to do?

We know what happened to Guatemala. After the United States overthrew its first democratically elected government in 1954 Guatemala sank into a 40 year nightmare of dictatorships and genocide.

Did we throw people into death camps or intentionally starve them?

Yes. During the American occupation of Haiti American military forces rounded up Haitian citizens, put them in chains and forced them to do labor. During the American occupation of Nicaragua, the United States forcibly removed tens of thousands of Nicaraguan peasants from their land and into concentration camps so they could better fight Augusto Sandino and his resistance force.

Everytime the U.S. deposed a democratically elected president and plunged that country back into dictatorship and terror it caused the deaths of tens of thousands. Over and over again. Guatemala, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, etc etc.

Furthermore, what was the state of Latin America before US involvement?

Before the United States overthrew Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954 Guatemalans were getting their first taste of living in a democracy. Millions of poor Guatemalans who before could never hope to own a piece of land, send their children to schools for free or vote in an election now could. THAT’s what the United States extinguished in 1954. It would take another forty years before Guatemala ever got to that level again.

SOURCE: Kinzer, Stephen and Stephen Schlesinger, Bitter Fruit. 2005 Edition.

Haiti had a fully functioning democratic republic before it was occupied by Woodrow Wilson in 1915, who destroyed the constitutional system, pressganged Haitian citizens into chain gangs for road repair and construction and established a National Guard which ran the country through terror and torture even after the U.S. left.

SOURCE: Farmer, Paul. The Uses of Haiti. Common Courage Press, 2004

Do you want more examples? Because I could go on. Not that it would matter. Right-wing minds like yours are immune to the idea that the U.S. has been anything but a benevolent force in the world.

So just keep sitting there, denying the mountain of evidence that YES, your country has invaded and intervened in Latin America for more than a 100 years and more often than not it was to destroy and to leave things worse than before.

How wealthy, educated, healthy, and happy were its people before Big Bad America came along? You seem to have this idea that Latin America was some sort of paradise before the zee Americans came along and ruined everything.

Your sarcasm is not amusing to anyone. It just shows how ignorant you are of the issue. I never stated that all of Latin America’s problems were caused by the United States. Our parasitic elites did more than their share of brutalization and exploitation. But your attitude…that the U.S. had nothing to do with the condition Latin American finds itself in today, that it exherted no control or influence over the region…it’s a myth, through and through.

In what way was Chile "subservient" to the United States? Please explain.

Chile’s copper was, before nationalization, largely owned by American corporations. Since copper was Chile’s biggest source of employment and hard currency, American corporations had a huge effect on Chilean policy.

The fact that Nixon felt bold enough to demand that the Chilean Army depose Allende in 1970 before he took power is proof enough that the U.S. clearly viewed Chile as its neo-colony and fully expected it to march, lockstep with American policy and decisions.

It seems to me that a nation that "elected" a communist stooge could not possibly be under the control of the US.

I love it how you put elected in quotes as if he wasn’t actually elected. Nice try. How many elections did your boy Pinochet win? How much democracy was there in Chile during his reign? Mind tellin’ me?

No, you see, this is you foolishly misconstruing what I wrote. I never said, and in fact, never even insinuated, that American influence in Latin America began with the Cold War.

Your direct quote when I mentioned that the U.S. had intervened in Latin America 45 times in the 20th Century alone:

What happened throughout the 20th century was a proxy war between two competing powers, the US and the USSR.
Ultra OK

It clearly seemed you were stating that the interventions were the product of the Cold War. You either a.) need to learn how to write or b.) really though that your statement was true due to complete ignorance of Latin American history and now you’re trying to backtrack. I’ll go with b. Nice try though.

It was called Containment, which was primarily a product of George F. Kennan.

You’re just proving my point. I stated that U.S. policy never changed in Latin America even after the end of the Cold War. Only the NAME of that policy changed. That name is “containment” apparently.

You still haven’t answered my question. How did U.S. policy towards Latin America change with the Cold War? I want specific examples like the ones I give you. The United States deposed presidents it didn’t like before the Cold War…and it kept deposing them after the Cold War. The United States occupied countries for economic reasons before the Cold War…and it kept invading and occupying them for economic reasons after the Cold War. The United States trained and armed secret police before the Cold War started…and it kept arming and training secret police after the Cold War started.

How exactly did American policy change other than using words like “communism” and “containment” after 1945? I truly want to know.

Yes, because those countries asked for them you nimrod.

And Cuba asked for Soviet protection yet you seem to believe that while it’s perfectly legit for a country to ask the U.S. for protection against the Soviets…it’s not possible for the opposite to happen.

I think this is another symptom of that mental disease known as Conservatism: the inability to fathom that the United States could possibly be a danger to anyone on Earth.

This may have something to do with the fact that America never murdered 20 million of its own citizens and forced millions of others into slave labor, but hey, if you want to equate us with the USSR, go right ahead.

The United States was build on the corpses of millions of black slaves and expanded West on the corpses of hundreds of thousands of Native Americans. Wanna tell me again how the U.S. achieved its economic power through Flower Power?

And to a Latin American farmer starving because of American policy it made no difference where his economic and political oppression came from. For the students who were tortured by secret police trained by the CIA the United States was just like the USSR. Oppressive is as oppressive does.

Which has no bearing on the fact that neither the US nor the USSR were overly concerned with them, seeing as how they were a defensive tactic; their existence in these states was to protect Europe and Asia, not to start a war.

Says you. You, of course, conveniently forget that the United States actually attacked the USSR first when it invaded the Soviet state in 1918 together with a gaggle of other European countries. You think the Soviets forgot that? Of course not.

Don’t mistake me though. I think the balls on the U.S. are impressive. To surround a country with nuclear weapons, constantly attack it through espionage, sabotage and propaganda and to claim that these are defensive actions takes cojones.

And I guess it’s sweet of you to say that Soviet citizens weren’t terrified of weapons which could incinerate their families 100 times over. Where do you get your Soviet ethnography? Rocky IV?

In case you forgot, the USSR had a history of invading European nations such as Finland and Hungary, and later on, Czechoslovakia.

Funny. Both Hungary and Czechoslovakia actually invaded the Soviet Union before the reverse happened. Hungary was part of Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa in 1941 and it actively assisted in the killing and destruction of the Soviet Union. How many millions of Soviet citizens were killed by Hungarian forces? Excuse me if I don’t shed any tears when the chickens come home to roost.

And Czechoslovakia was actually one of the first countries to send soldiers and mercenaries into the Soviet Union in 1918. Action creates a reaction my friend.

Educate yourself. It would save you these embarrassments.

What objection do you have to the US helping to defend these countries against a possible Soviet invasion?

I could ask you the same thing: what objection do you have to the USSR helping Cuba defend itself against an American invasion?

Why would American corporations care about this? What would they have to gain?

Are you that stupid? Or just acting like one? American corporations have long opposed any kind of reformist or leftist government in Latin America because they like money. They like the unfettered access to cheap natural resources. They like the corrupt, right wing governments which look the other way whenever they pollute the environment. They love cheap labor they can exploit.

Since reformist and leftist government are directly opposed to those actions it would only make sense that American corporations would oppose their taking power. Since whenever Latin Americans have been given the choice they have overwhelmingly elected leftists and socialists at the ballot box it became necessary for American corporations to actively destroy and oppose democracy in Latin America.

United Fruit’s role in the destruction of Guatemalan democracy in 1954 is one of the most documented crimes in the history of the 20th Century. It would behoove you to study it.

Those pesky democracies eh?

It's no secret that by the 60s, the USSR was already collapsing due to their incompetence.

Actually the Soviet Union attained its highest level of growth in its GNP per capita during the 1960s.


How many times had the US invaded Cuba?

Five times as of 2010.

In 1898 following the Spanish American War, staying until 1901. It invaded Cuba again in 1906, 1912, 1917 and in 1933 to depose another Cuban president it didn’t agree with.


Is it embarrassing being made to look like a moron again and again? You must tell me…

And again, Kennedy would never have invaded Cuba after what happened in 1961. Everyone in his cabinet was against the idea.

Yeah, that’s why there were almost constant plans of destabilization over the next 40 years. At last count, the U.S. had created 638 ways to murder Fidel Castro.


And just because Kennedy didn’t want to invade Cuba it didn’t mean the next president wouldn’t.

Face it. Cubans had EVERY reason to believe American aggression against them would never stop. They had 100 years of history of aggression to learn from.

The only one who wanted an invasion was Curtis LeMay, and no one took him seriously.

Really? Is that why he was made Chief of Staff of the United States of Air Force from 1957 til 1965? Funny way to sidelining a lunatic. The truth is of course, is that MANY officials in the U.S. Government thought exactly like LeMay including of course, the head of the CIA and one of the most powerful man in the country, Allen Dulles.

I'm not sure where you get this idea that if it weren't for Khruschev, the US would have deposed Castro with a full-scale invasion. There is no evidence to back this up.

There are one hundred years of American intervention to back that claim up. Are you this blind? Before the Cuban Revolution the United States routinely invaded Latin American countries to depose presidents it did not like…and it did again after the Cuban Revolution. Grenada in 1983 is a great example. The only reason Cuba was spared was because of Soviet protection. That’s it.

The Cubans themselves knew their history. The United States had invaded Cuba FIVE times already in the 20th Century in order to change Cuban policy. Why wouldn’t they invade a sixth time?

You’re living in a dreamworld bro. Ride the Kick through the levels all the way up.

So I guess the direct quote from him, as well as the fact that he began his reign exactly as Stalin did- targeting the landowners, establishing Marxist revolutionary schools, censoring the media, and having people's land confiscted by the government- is not enough for you.

It’s not…because every single one of those statements is false. Sorry if I don’t believe false and misleading statements. I’m old fashioned that way. He may have praised Stalin but he never acted like Stalin. During his entire administration there were groups and organizations marching on the streets demanding his head on a platter. Opposition politicians openly called for a military coup.

And Allende killed them all…oh wait…no he didn’t. He ALLOWED THEM TO OPPOSE HIM PUBLICLY FOR THREE YEARS! Just like Stalin eh?

You must have some kind of psychological block. You praise the man who actually acted like Stalin, Pinochet, and you attack the man who didn’t. Pinochet, like Stalin, imprisoned the opposition. Pinochet, like Stalin, created a secret police force. Pinochet, like Stalin, tortured his opponents. Pinochet, like Stalin, banned any opposition party from running for elections.

Must I go on? Or will you keep denying the obvious? You probably will which is awesome. I want people in this board to see the dishonesty inherent in all fascists.

Hell Allende own's nephew was a leader of the MIR communist terrorist organization.

And Castro’s daughter has an anti-Castro talk show in Miami and Hitler’s nephews served in the U.S. Navy in World War II. What exactly is your point Captain Brainless?

Allende had nothing to do with MIR, an organization which actually believed Allende was too tame for their own tastes. And it’s funny that you should call them “terrorists” since they never actually engaged in violent actions in Chile UNTIL Chilean democracy was destroyed by Pinochet. Unlike say, Patria y Libertad, the right wing militia which DID attack the Chilean Congress in June of 1973.

Notice you don’t call them terrorists? Typical right-wing doublespeak. When they oppose “us” and “our” allies, THEN and only then they are terrorists.

LOL! Well what the hell do you think "promoting communism" entailed? Radio messages and a few propaganda films?

It entailed exactly what I stated it entailed. Strengthening Communist Parties worldwide through moral and monetary support. You act as if Ponomareve was this shady puppet master operating secretly in the basements of the Kremlin and Santiago when he was in fact a publicly known high official of the USSR. Why shouldn’t he meet with a fellow Marxist? Do you see conspiracy afoot when U.S. Secretaries of State meet with heads of state allied to the United States.

And if you could quote me were I said that all 30,000 were Soviets - as opposed to Soviet, Cuban, or other- that would be greatly appreciated.

Don’t try to be cute. Your clearly implied it. You stated several times that the USSR was financing training camps all over Chile and that communists in Chile were planning to turn Chile into a “soviet puppet state”.

What else then would I conclude when you state there were 30,000 Communist agents in Chile? Where else would they have come from BUT the Soviet Union and countries allied to it?

Please enlighten me. I can’t decipher your idiotic, unsourced, unfounded statements. You’re gonna have to be more clear with your fantasies.

The Nazis had the same objective, only they actually succeeded in transforming Germany into a military, economic, and industrial superpower.

And what exactly does that have to do with anything? Great sidestep by the way. You do that a lot. Say an asinine thing, get called on it and then quickly ignore the fact that you were made to look like a horse’s ass and completely shift the argument.

Whether or not Nazi Germany became a superpower (it didn’t) is irrelevant. I correctly stated that “changing their country” is exactly what Communists want to do. And as a response you typed that ridiculous non-sequitur. It’s like talking to a mental patient.

Really? I guess that's why Pinochet gave rise to what is widely known as 'Chile's Economic Miracle?'

The only people who believe that are right-wing economists and ignorant people. You haven’t claimed to have a Ph.D in economics (yet) so I guess you’re part of the latter group. Most historians agree that Pinochet’s rule was an economic disaster to Chile. In fact, it is used as an example of what really happens to a country when right-wing economic policies are enacted with zero governmental oversight.

Maybe you need to see the stats you so conveniently ignored:

Under Pinochet’s wise rule the percentage of households living below the poverty and indigence lines skyrocketed. In 1970, before Pinochet took power, 17% of Chilean household incomes were below the poverty line; by 1990, the rate had doubled, with 35% of the households living in poverty.


In 1973, the year General Pinochet brutally seized the government, Chile's unemployment rate was 4.3%. In 1983, after ten years of free-market modernization, unemployment reached 22%. Real wages declined by 40% under military rule.

After nine years of economics Chicago style, Chile's industry keeled over and died. In 1982 and 1983, GDP dropped 19%.

SOURCE: cle-of-chile-2/

Tell me again how good Pinochet was to Chile. Tell me about this “miracle” which reduced millions of Chileans to misery.

In 2006 Chile was back under socialist rule under Bachelet. Thanks for proving my point.

What a ridiculous accusation. So a President takes power and IMMEDIATELY plunges her country into poverty! Literally weeks after! Priceless.



Still, they are better off now than they would have been without Pinochet;

Sure they are. Thanks for your dumbass opinion. Here’s some FACTS: Socialism saved Chile. Cover your ears children. To save the nation's pension system after Pinochet’s Chicago Boys mismanaged the Chilean economy into bankruptcy in 1982-1983, Pinochet nationalized banks and industry on a scale unimagined by Socialist Allende. The General expropriated at will, offering little or no compensation.

SOURCE: cle-of-chile-2/

And of course, Pinochet eventually did what he deposed Allende for in 1973 he nationalized the copper industry which gave the Chilean economy MILLIONS of dollars in the 1980s. That hard currency helped the Chilean economy well into the 1990s.

Oh the irony…it wasn’t Hayek or Milton Friedman or Pinochet who saved Chile…but dull old socialistic Keynesian economics.

Uh, no, the leaders of the biggest revolt against the Bolsheviks throughout the entire course of the war were Anton Denikin, Lavr Kornilov, and Pyotr Wrangel, who commaned the anti-Bolshevik White Armies from 1917 through 1923. But hey, you're a socialist, so I'm used to you guys twisting history in your favor.

I gotta twist history BACK after you hopelessly mangle it. One, NONE of the above men led anything against the Soviets after 1920 when the last of the White Armies surrendered to the Red Army. Kornilov died in 1918. Kinda hard for him to be leading armies against the Reds in 1923. I have no idea where you get your dates from…probably from where you get most of your stats: your ass.

And the two, the White Armies weren’t a rebellion. They were part of a Civil War. You clearly knew what I wanted to say. You just didn’t want to admit it. The Tambov Rebellion was the largest rebellion against the USSR once it was established following the Civil War.

And it was led by Socialists who profoundly disagreed with the policies of the Bolshevik Government. Deal with it.

I already gave you the names of Soviet KGB agents operating in Chile at the time, as well Allende's meetings with Ponomarev, as well as Allende's own bubbly speech about the great Stalin. What more do you want?

I want evidence of these “terrorist training camps” and the massacres the people trained in them committed. Back up your outlandish claim. You got me curious…and laughing.

WTF? All throughout the 50s and 60s Britain's MI6 was intercepting Soviet shipments of weapons and goods to revolutionaries in Latin America.

Evidence? Any? Would love some. I stand by my statement and quite frankly I wouldn’t have to defend it if you had even the slightest familiarity with Soviet history. The USSR repudiated armed revolution in the 1950s. It routinely accused Latin American Marxist groups of “Maoist deviation”. In fact, upon Che Guevara’s death, instead of hailing him as the hero that he was the Soviet Union cravenly published a article in Pravda holding him up as an example of why “Maoism” in Latin America was futile.

Martinez Platero, a leader of Uruguay’s Tupamaros, went to Cuba in 1973 to ask for weapons, training and support against dictatorships. Castro bluntly told him that armed revolution was not the way for his country and both him and Moscow opposed it.

SOURCE: Dinges, John. The Condor Years: How Pinochet and his Allies Brought Terror to Three Continents. The New Press, 2004. p.56-57.

Where on Earth do you think they got their weapons from, you think they had factories producing them in their home countries?

Actually yes…we Latin Americans can do more than work on your factories and pick your tomatoes. MIR built a fully functioning factory in 1974 which built copies of the Karl Gustav, a Swedish submachine gun. Does it surprise you that we’re not the inferior apes you thought we were?

SOURCE: Dinges, p. 54.

Ugh. There were 30,000 agents and revolutionaries in Chile, Pinochet killed about 3,000 of them. The rest he either imprisoned or let go and allowed to return to Cuba and East Germany.

Cool. Thanks for the clarification. Now how about some sources? Some evidence that in fact those 3,000 killed were “communist agents”. Would love some.

I of course, have ACTUAL evidence that most victims of Pinochet’s rule were leftist civilians. After years of investigations, Chile’s democratic government published the Rettig Report in which they list 3, 428 victims of Pinochet.

Here’s a copy of the report: e90-Report/Chile90-Report.pdf

Here’s a memorial to the victims, with detailed information on many of them.

Find me some Communist agents. Please.

People like you make me sick. Love making you look like an idiot though.

And again, power struggles are inevitable when we're dealing with totalitarian regimes.

Is there a name for the disease you have? This kind of denial has to be pathological. Those were not “power struggles”. They were examples of the fundamental difference and conflict between Socialists and Communists. We are not all the same.

Communists believe in a vanguard party, a one party state, democratic centralism and a centralized, planned economy. Socialists believe in none of that. We are democrats.

Marx himself stated in his The Civil War in France that the ideal socialist society would be the one created by the Paris Commune in 1871. Read up on it. Then see how it compares to the monolith that was the Soviet Union. Then shut up about all Marxists being the same.

Socialism didn't save anything. If you new anything about FDR and the history of the depression you'd realize that FDR's initial socialistic reforms were disastrous, and in fact, led to the highest inflation and unemployment under his administration.

You know who disagrees with you? Intelligent people who know what they are talking about.

In a survey of economic historians conducted by Robert Whaples, Professor of Economics at Wake Forest University, Whaples sent out anonymous questionnaires to economists and historians in more than a dozen American universities. They were asked whether or not the New Deal worsened or curtailed the Great Depression.

Overwhelmingly, historians and economists stated that New Deal legislation, imperfect as they were, helped the nation get back on its feet, assisted MILLIONS of Americans have better lives and prevented the U.S. into falling into an even greater hole.

Seventy-three percent of economists and 94% of historians agreed that the New Deal made things better not worse. You know who agrees with you? Sean Hannity. Be proud.


Yes, we all agree socialism thrives in hellholes.

Of course. People in hellholes know exactly who put them there. They look to the people who actually wanna help them instead of enslaving them.

Right, and how many elections have they won since 1989?

The Hungarian Socialist Party, which ruled Hungary from 1956 to 1989 still exists and in the 2006 elections won 43.2% of votes in the general election, placing 190 representatives out of 390 in the Hungarian Parliament. The Bulgarian Socialist Party, which also ruled the country til 1989 won the national elections in 1995. It also won national elections in 2005. The current president of Bulgaria is Georgy Parvanov, a self-described Socialist and a former member.

The Social Democratic Party of Croatia, also heirs to the Marxist party that ruled the country for 40 plus years, has also won national elections in Croatia many times.

And there are more examples? Need I go on? Even those countries which suffered under Communism for more than forty years routinely and frequently elect Socialists to power.

Yes, because despite the fact that almost none of those films you listed were major productions to begin with, none of those films give any insight into the true extent of mass killings.

DOCTOR ZHIVAGO (1965) is the 8th highest grossing film of all time adjusted for inflation, it was nominated for 10 Academy Awards and won five. STALIN (1992) was a huge success for HBO and won three Golden Globe Awards. THE KILLING FIELDS (1984) was nominated for seven Academy Awards.

Yep…very obscure films they were. Any more wildly incorrect statements you wanna fling at your screen?

Yes, and the film actually blames the brutality of the communists on the US, which is typical of Stone and his ilk.

Awesome. Your statement clearly shows you’ve never watched a minute of the film. It does nothing of the sort by the way. She’s raped by Viet Cong guerillas and her village is depicted being brutalized by Communist forces. Try again buddy.





considering latin america countries, what would american corporations care what happened to them.......


thats rich, and unfortunately, it seems to be the pervasive viewpoint of many americans that are falling for the multi billions that are being injected into psychological conditioning BY the same corporations that would like you to believe they have no interest in expanding their blight.

great dialectic on behalf of devirginizer. kudos for correcting the nitwit.


Please elaborate, you totalitarian halfwit, what's the motivation for your beloved socialist dictators to "care" about the people they're enslaving and murdeting?


Simply a brilliant devastation, devirginizer83-1.
Apparently your antagonist is now pulling a Sarah Palin.
Plug ears, run and hide from the better informed and historically accurate.
If the right wing would simply admit that their global power grab is simply to get fatter and richer and leave the false freedom seeking patriotism rhetoric behind, then perhaps all of humanity would finally fathom their insane pathology
and denounce it fully and completely.


It seems like, whenever you totalitarian pigs can't defend the genocide, oppression and totalitarianism of your beloved dictatorships, you start whining about Sarah Palin or some other unrelated scapegoat.

Well, I guess you're called Useful Idiots for a reason.


Anybody as pathological in their dishonesty and psychopathic in their love of totalitarianism and genocide as you clearly are, Virgin, ought to be rewarded with an extra chocolate ration.


Ok, regarding Chile:

According to the Mitrokhin Archives, Allende had extensive contacts with the KGB, and just as the CIA was trying to destabilize his regime, the KGB was trying to prop it up. The KGB was growing dissatisfied with Allende, as he wasn't a dictator like they wanted. It is likely that CUBAN OPERATIVES, not Pinochet's soldiers, killed Allende to create a martyr.

Also, who was responsible for the fall of Pinochet? REAGAN, BUSH, and the National Endowment for Democracy in assisting the anti-Pinochet plebiscite. The Reagan and Bush presidencies were also instrumental in cutting aid to Paraguay, hastening the fall of Stroessner. The invasions of Grenada and Panama saved their countries from brutal dictators.

Devirginizer, you are devirginized.



Why is it you never want to discuss the fat greater amount of socialist intervention in South America? Why don't you ever want to acknowledge the democracies toppled by the Castro dictatorship, who was in turn working as Stalin's puppet? Why don't you ever want to talk about the genocide and conquest caused by the illegitimate Sandinista regime?

Why can't you ever argue in historical fact, instead of lying out your ass?


"Thanks for your support bro but I’m a medical student. I barely have time to jerk off much less keep a blog."

And yet you somehow manage to spend every second of every day trolling this board with your novel-length agitprop rants wherein you lie, whine, revise history, scapegoat and generally expose yourself as a psychotic *beep* who outright worships the inherent grnocide and oppression of socialism.

Good thing we all know you're a liar, huh?


Hey, Virgin boy, can you stop lying, rewriting history and parroting Communist propaganda for five minutes, and just have an honest, fact-based debate for ONCE in your worthless, dictator-worshipping life?


Oh, look. Perma-Virgin's lying out his ass again, trying to obfuscate the inherent totalitarianism, imperialism, slavery and genocide of his beloved regimes like Cuba and the Sandinistas by trying to blame their actions on America and Capitalism.

It'd be nice if he could actually be honest and acknowledge that his beloved socialists have murdered and enslaved millions more, but I won't hold my breath.


Yeah, UltraOK...I don't know enough about Iran to argue that point...other than why we can't just leave all these magical places alone and stay here.

That aside, clearly you cannot recognize a Slavic accent when written...the OP is clearly from Russia or some other Slavic country.

Now, the main point that I know plent about. He's write when it comes to Latin America...

Regarding your down-play of Pinochet, I believe your little emoticon is offensive. I think you should look into how and why Pinochet came to power and revisit the history of the coup d'etat. Only 3000 people and definitely not "foreigners", but 3000 was enough for this country to kill 100,000s in two different countries...History's a b-tch, no? Keep in mind their little Operation Condor also led to the car bombing of a Chilean expat in Washinton, DC. Do you think that such an attack could occur without at least a permitting nod from the Whitehouse and/or Pentagon????

Also, Look into:

Arbenz in Guatemala and the United Fruit company.

Marines invading Haiti on multiple occasions throughout the 20th century - in the 1930s taking 1/3 of the nation's wealth with them (Why's Haiti so poor again???)

Trujillo in the Dominican Republic?

Ford Motor Corps in Argentina?

How the CIA trained the 60s dictatorship in Brazil on how to effectively torture leftists

What about Colombia in the present? Panama?

How about the privatization of water and other utilities to the chagrin of the native peoples of Bolivia?

Batista in Cuba (pre-Castro) who stimulated the Revolt that allowed Castro to be in Power...

"Mmmm...I can almost taste that bulgogi now."


Funny how you're perfectly okay with imperialism from countries that are either socialist or Islamofascist.


"Wow, you`re even dumber than I thought..."

Don`t be so quick to be arrogant. The US have more parties on the ballot, but only two of them COUNT. Has any other party in the history of the US been in power? To be someone in the US political scene, you have to have money. The average US politician wage is higher than the average American`s. How do you expect them to represent the American people (democracy) when he earns more than MOST Americans?

Lobbyism is a huge actor in US politics. By using money, they can decisively shift US politics. Democracy?

OH, and the the US is NOT a democracy, it is a polyarchic REPUBLIC. Instead of the people voting, and deciding over major issues themselves, there are people who do it for them. For example, the obvious and most important vote of all, the president. Instead of voting for him directly, there are people elected for us, and THEY will elect the president (Electoral College).

Every state in the US have two representatives in the college, however not every state have the same amount of people OBVIOUSLY. The house of representatives also have two people per state. How the hell is this democratic? California is the largest state with 36 MILLION, while Vermont has some 600 000. DEMOCRATIC MY ASS...

I rest my case


The U.S. media also presented Yeltsin as a great democrat for a while, despite the fact that he attacked his own parliament with tanks because it wouldn't do what he wanted.


This was an interesting post, I can't say that I agree with everything you said, but some of it I do agree with and some of it is very interesting.

But I was wondering, where are you from? I want to better understand where your opinions are coming from.

"You gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"


Good DVD review here, by the way, for those interested...


good review..

well since you're naked you might as well f___ a friend of mine. Paul come in here!


So rich coming from an indoctrinated Useful Idiot who's entire worldview is dictated for him by de facto propaganda from totalitarian socialist scumbags like Stone.
