Un film total idiot

... si cred ca am zis totul. Nu s-a intamplat NIMIC tot filmul. Nici macar nu poti spune ca te imbie la ceva introspectie. Nici nu stiu ce pot sa spun despre un asemenea "film". Nu stiu cum am avut rabdare sa il vad pana la cap.


pai macar o sa-l vad ca sunt in Canada si ar fi bine daca mai uite la un film romenesc...

hai romiani!!!


asa e, inca ma enervez cand imi aduc aminte, sa ma pis pe el de film. mizerie.

To be equal, you have to add or substract. And i have never liked math...


ai pierdut exact esentialul . intr-un film nu trebuie sa se intample ceva ca sa fie un film bun. acest film este plin de intelesuri , evident pt cei care le percep...


Mai scuteste-ma. Am perceput "intelesurile" alea dar pur si simplu nu vad de unde atata entuziasm. Subiectul pe care il trateaza filmul asta e subtire de tot. Personajele insipide - daca mai aud pe unul cu "genialul discurs al comandantului" mor! Decorurile banale. Dialogurile fade. Plot-ul total nerealist. Mai vrei? Poti sa-mi spui si mie ce ti-a placut la filmul asta?


but I disagree.


Why's that?




Then how can you disagree?




Yeah well, I said more than that. I've argumented my statement. I can understand the watcher is invited to read between the lines, but what is there between those lines has no substance at all, it's very thin and it's very false. Not to mention that the last Romanian films are full of this type of characters. I wanted a film to raise the hair on my arms, but i almost fell asleep watching this instead.


The pacing was slow.

However, I was just pretending to be ethnocentric (America go, yeah!!!), which is funny considering that I am posting about a Romanian film, and I am trashing/ bitching about people typing Romanian.


Sunt de acord cu quendino. Multi avem ceva impotriva lui Sergiu Nicolaescu si a marii majoritati a regizorilor vechi si ne dorim ca generatia tinara de regizori sa le dea peste nas si sa faca filme cu adevarat bune. Caranfil si Mungiu sunt super OK in privinta asta.Mungiu a castigat la Cannes ceea ce nu cred ca se va mai intampla in urmatorii 50 de ani. Porumboiu a facut niste scurt metraje super, un media metraj extraordinar (Visul lui Liviu) dar cand a trecut la filme artistice merge din prost in mai prost. Politist,Adejectiv, ne-am dorit sa iasa bine dar ... nu e cazul. Mitulescu la fel, este un fel de guru in cinema-ul romanesc si nu a facut macar un film cat de cat bun. Aurora al lui Cristi Puiu este la fel, asteptat de noi si ... oh My God ... oare cati ati rezistat sa il vedeti pana la capat si care ati rezistat ... ati fi rezistat daca nu era film romanesc? Ramanem cu speranta ca ii va iesi lui Porumboiu data viitoare ...


I just finished watching this snoozefest and I agree 100% with you quendino.

I had no problems with the pacing, it's just that the whole movie felt so empty, devoid of any substance. I get the message, not even an inside man can fight the system, when the system is so horribly skewed and damaged.

But where was the acting and story in this? I felt NOTHING for the cop, he was just so unsympathetic, even if he was trying to do the right thing. This was wooden acting at its best. Actually I felt more for the kid than anyone else. The movie is simply an idea put into action without any kind of passion for what's being done.

It fails at everything it tries to convey, because it's too self conscious. I can almost imagine the directions: let's do a long, continuous shot - that will convey realism, and let's film everything between concrete apartment blocks and streets full of garbage, if that doesn't scream "former communist country", I don't know what does. Also, no actor has to show any kind of emotion beyond sarcasm and frowning.

I can understand why it may appeal to foreigners, it's all new to them, they can't believe the legal system can be screwed up to this extent, but if you live in Romania, you know that these kind of things happen every day, the movie isn't producing any kind of revelation. So the least it could do is be entertaining. And by that I don't mean car chases, bullets flying, punches being thrown, I just think the movie could have been engaging and the characters could have appeared to be real people, not caricatures.


Thank you Laura1985 ! And another thing: about the Gopo Award show yesterday - I wonder if this lousy excuse for a movie would have passed unnoticed at the Cannes festival (which I can understand why it got the "un certain regard" prize, it's exotic and new to the western watcher, i can agree to that) how many Gopo would have got? This goes for "4 3 2" too. My impression is we give awards to films just because they made a strong impression outside the country, not because they're really good. And nobody has the balls to say: this movie is crap! risking to look like a fool out there when everybody can say: yeah, but it's a crap with the certain regard award!

Not to mention all the falsity of the hole thing. I mean, we shoot films between the grey blocks and the dirtiest locations, proclaiming "hey, this is the society we live in", but when it comes to receiving an award we put on our fancy smoking and smile beautifully to the cameras at the Parliament's palace in the spotlights. It's not like we won an Oscar for God's sakes, is it?


Iti multumesc pentru acest comentariu ! Nu cred ca poate cineva sa descrie mai exact aceasta pierdere de pelicula si timp !


ca mare dreptate ai...I-am dat nota 1...Problema e ca toate filmele romanesti sunt acelasi gen...Nu se-ntampla nimic...zici ca suntem cretini.M-am jurat ca nu ma mai uit in viata mea la un "film" romanesc!!


Nici un/Niciun - Taking out the space between two words ("nici un") is an elimination of a vital space that enables people to think and formulate and intellect and branch out.

Taking out the free-thought (hint: Soviet-aligned communist Roumania and any totalitarianistic state) zone and claiming that any foray into that zone is "wrong" because it contradicts academic consensus or constitutional law or legal codes or mandatory protocol or the unknown powers that be is oftentimes tyrannical thought control, not to mention it's intellectually dishonest since protocol and legal codes and constitutional law and academic consensus change faster than the speed of light to conform to the social trend du jour.

Determining whether or not "nici un" or "niciun" is the more precise, perspicuous term, and then treating all people who use the newly declared "wrong" spelling as uneducated dolts is a determination about nothing with negative ramifications (hey stupid you spelled that word wrong, you're an idiot, what kind of retard misspells nothing, the report is ruined, you're fired!) about nothing of consequence. Of consequence is whether or not pop culture slang, web community/internet message board slang, words spelled ebonomically, and media jargon should be admitted into Oxford's English dictionary, thereby sanctioning that terminology as part of the official English lexicon.

This parallels how Cristi felt about being forced to strictly focus his investigation on a boy named Alex smoking hash: it would lead to an arrest over nothing, and the arrest would have irreversible negative ramifications potentially destroying Alex's life, yet the hashish dealer, whoever she/she was, would continue dealing, and Alex's two friends would continue smoking hash, and in the near future the government would likely decriminalize smoking hash in public because all the surrounding countries had done so already.

The lexicon and song sequence with his wife also demonstrated Cristi's ability to carefully and calmly listen to and respect the opinions of persons, no matter how convulted and illogical and dangerous, considered to be invested with authority.

And both situations paralleled the situation in the communist Eastern bloc - persecuting people for over nothing, the persecution of people over imaginary crimes, rampant censorship and suppression of counter-reactionary groups (no Cristi, stop worrying about the dealer and arrest the smoker because he's a criminal, but don't arrest the smoker's friends because they're not criminals), starving people to pursue economic agenda, etc, all the while ignoring more important issues like the deteriorating social and economic conditions and the collapse of the overall infrastructure.

The pacing of the film was meant to emphasize how a great amount of time (and money) was spent investigating the case (Cristi's dedication: proof he is a good cop, thorough and dedicated), a timely investment of police resources that begged his superiours to allow him to finish his investigation properly and make a valid arrest, or be confronted with a waste of resources. I personally never noticed this stagnation of time that people are complaining about. The film flew by for me, too fast. The pacing was real-time perfect. The doom-and-gloom-nitty-gritty cinematography was immaculate. The deterioration of the city's grimy infrastructure and the stagnant landscape and grim and weary faces were beautifully filmed.

The "what would the field be without the flower" song - his wife farfetchedly over-analyzed a trite song as if its quiddity was of more value than talking to her own husband or savouring a Shakespearean sonnet, and as if the only way to appreciate the song was predicated upon delving whatever parallel she imagined it had for meaning. She abused and wasted her knowledge of figures of speech and figurative language on nothing, just as Cristi's Captain abused and wasted his legal powers over nothing. Just as Cristi knew he was wasting his time investigating nothing. The scene also demonstrated Cristi's ability to quickly cut through excessive information to pinpoint with clarity the truth of the And it proved Cristi's ability to carefully listen to and respect the opinions of people considered to be invested with authority, even when their opinions are nonsense. It proved he was a good cop and good man.

The dictionary casuistry - Consequentialism (Cristi, or, the Every Man) versus Deontologicalism (Cristi's superiours, or those with the power). The sequence was also an obvious metaphor for communist-bloc governments controlling people, and governments in general controlling free thought.

And what about that dictionary? What about laws? Official lexicons of language? Criminal records? Chalkboard diagrammes of stunt operations? Lyrics? Why are we using words like "conscious" and "morality" to threaten and oppress and control conscious-driven moral people like Cristi? We have to interpret what they mean, and meanings transcend the written form. Meanings are not limited to what is printed in a book or scaled on a chalkboard or chanted in a song, even junk songs. But if we cannot interpret, what is left to us? If these facts cannot be questioned, if the authoritative nature of the facts cannot be challenged, if the authority invested with ascertaining and recording and circulating these facts cannot be challenged, what then?

This film is a shot of consciousness in cinema, and we, we the viewers are the investigators, so investigate!

You're watching a piece of art, investigate it!

Films like this are codified with the hieroglyphics of truth and life, use your brain and instigate!

10/10 Masterpiece. Deserves nomination for Best Foreign Film for 2010 Oscars.
