MovieChat Forums > The Wylds (2010) Discussion > dont bother making this movie

dont bother making this movie

and get a new job

this is going to be garbage just like Wiest's other garbage.

He did accomplish something however, and that's making 2 movies that ended up in my bottom 2. now that's an achievement.



It's exactly like you would imagine. The only way to enjoy this movie is by strapping on the Jesus goggles very tightly and ignoring the outside world. My goodness this is some bad stuff. But, much like the bible itself, it's worth experiencing to see what the fuss is about. Wow. There is probably enough of a built in, captive audience that this could make money and they will continue to throw these things together with left over costumes from the 9th grade play at the christian school and a 3 yr old PC. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


hope you are gonna tell other film viewers to strap on their relevent goggles and ignore the outside world, for example " strap on your Transformers goggles< or your Star Wars goggles, blah blah " Surprised you have time to write any posts seeing as you are no doubt so immersed in helping the outside world> You make this film sound like its the new MEIN KAMPF movie version< as if its been sent to harm all of society> Theres probably other movies that you could pick on< TRANSFORMERS 2 for example, the budget for that could have helped millions in the OUTSIDE WORLD that you accuse others of being so ignorant of???


Well said.
