MovieChat Forums > Cyrus (2010) Discussion > It didn't get weird enough for me!

It didn't get weird enough for me!

I felt that it had the opportunity to go into some pretty weird territory that probably would have led to more laughs, an ultimately a more enjoyable film. I wish it had. I generally avoid romantic comedies (which this essential becomes) like the plague, but was a bit intrigued to check this out. I think overall it was a mild success, with John C. Reilly playing a pretty endearing character, but I just wish it had went a bit darker or weirder.

Does anyone feel the way I do?

If interested check out my blog listed below where I recently posted my expanded thoughts on "Cyrus" as well as a other 2010 film analysis, lists etc.

My Film Ratings,Rankings,and Ramblings @


I liked the movie, but do agree with you that there was something missing that would have made this movie a little funnier and perhaps better. I wish it would have gotten a bit darker and focused more on the rivalry between Cyrus and John, that alone would have been funnier.

I felt they closed off a lot of issues too quickly.

That's my two cents!


I agree that there were so many things they could have thrown in. Molly or John's co-workers, Molly's old boyfriends, Cyrus' roommates when he moves out.

"No! That’s not true at all. Elvis takes fifty percent of everything I earn." Col. Parker


Your expectations for the film may have been set by the tone of the trailer, which is not always a fair representation of a film. Trailers are generally cut to gain maximum appeal for the film and sometimes fails in terms of accuracy.


When I walked out of the theater, I was wishing that the movie had been either weirder and more scary -- or else funnier.

But the trailer might have skewed my expectations. The movie did hold my interest. It wasn't boring. It was heartfelt and honest. It was different.

The scene when Cyrus was holding a knife in the kitchen was a brief rush, but it couldn't have gone any further without being a totally different kind of movie.


I went into the movie not having a clue what it was about; only knowing John C. Reilly and Jonah Hill were in it so I was expecting it to be funny. I only saw the trailer after I saw the movie and felt that it (the trailer) sort of told the whole movie in a matter of a minute and a half.

