Worst. Movie.Ever

I saw this movie at an independent film festival a few months ago and I literally cringed while watching it. Waiting for the movie to finish felt like a lifetime and all I wanted to do was walk out of the theater. I resisted, with the small flicker of hope that the next scene would get better. I mean, common, the reviews were saying it was great and the trailer looked funny. I waited and waited for something funny ( that I hadn't already laughed about while watching trailer) to come on screen, but it never did. The humor was dry, the characters developed in a manner that left too much unanswered and the whole movie just blew


Really? LITERALLY the worst movie ever? You NEVER in your life saw a movie worse than this?


lmao, I was thinking the same thing. Even if someone hated this movie, by no stretch of the imagination could this be the worst ever. not even close.


I did see it, I thought it was a real stinker, and can honestly say it's been a while since I saw a worse movie. That said, it's also been a while since I've seen mst3k, so, no, this is nowhere near the worst movie ever. Weed and popcorn could get me to force myself through this one in one try no problem...Manos, on the other hand, took lots of booze, several friends and three tries WITH mst3k. Not the worst movie ever.


I guess you havent seen Bounty hunter


I thought the movie was very good honestly. It was never meant to be a full out comedy nor an intense drama, and it ended being something rather original and definitely way better than most stupid, predictable and/or empty romantic comedies which have the misfortune of getting released every year. Cyrus has a very familiar premise, of course, but the way it unfolds and the clever, sensible dialogues delivered by the cast greatly elevate the film. The characters played very effectively by Jonah Hill, Marisa Tomei and John C.Reilly are anything but one-dimensional, and you end up being truly attached to all of them, however flawed they are.

Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy?...How did that happen?




HA i just stumbled upon this....can't believe people are still responding!

OKAY SO I TAKE BACK THE WORST MOVIE EVER.... I was being dramatic but to this day I still consider it one of the worst movies I have ever seen. But then again, I haven't watched it since so maybe I will this weekend.....


you never saw Ishtar or the Three Amigos?


Three Amigos was good,for what it was anyway. Ishtar not so much.


agreed...read that comment and said "huh? I liked the three amigos"


dont talk trash about the three amigos that was a pure genius work of comedic masters


Hollywood Homicide was the worst movie ever....


Three Amigos was awesome!

[I hated hipsters before it was cool to hate hipsters]


How old are you? This movie was brilliant!
I guess you might be able to in part blame the trailer if it made it out to be some mad comedy, which it isn't.


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


Surely it cant be as bad as Norbet or as unfunny as Faliure To Laugh - i mean Launch!


"Failure To Laugh" - that's very funny! The new title I mean, not the film, which I didn't fancy seeing, not being a particular fan of either of the main actors.

I went to see "Cyrus" today because there wasn't much else on. I didn't expect to enjoy it because I heard from a review that it was "mumblecore". I'd never heard of mumblecore before this and, from the description, it sounded like it might not be my kind of thing. But I really enjoyed the film much more more than I expected. The humour was gentle rather than laugh-out-loud hilarious, but I thought the cast were all very good and Jonah Hill was touching as the son.



Overboard was pretty funny lol. I haven't seen this movie but will in the next few days.


Goldie Horn


I just love how there seem to be about a Million "Worst. Movie Ever" or posts that is. Anyone with a computer and a few minutes to waste seems to be a critic.

"Everybody's Gotta Have A Dream" - DJay From Hustle & Flow


"I just love how there seem to be about a Million "Worst. Movie Ever" or posts that is. Anyone with a computer and a few minutes to waste seems to be a critic.

What I don't understand is that they are immitating a lazy fat comic book nerd from a childrens cartoon when they say it!!
They are just trolls, but, even I'm feeding them now.. DOH!





You haven't seen many movies have you?

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Idiots like yourself, lose all credibility with statements like yours. You have been moved to the wastebin, with the other detritus amongst the ranks of the unimportant, never to be seen or heard of again.

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