MovieChat Forums > Reggie Perrin (2009) Discussion > 2nd Series commissioned confirmation

2nd Series commissioned confirmation

Series 2 has been commissioned, link below:


I was dreading this news. If they include any more menstruation gags, I shall despair of the human race.



You could always try that "on-off" thingy on your television. Or change the channel.


hooray! I am a huge britcom fan, and bought the dvd from amazon.comUK. even though I have seen most all britcoms from the past, I never watched the original of this except for a few clips here and there. the orignal reggie , the actor, kinda bugged me a bit and the show to watch it now would be just too dated. unlike faulty towers which is timeless. I love Clunes, loved him in BMBB, love him in Doc martin, and he is really the perfect fit for this character.

at first, I was a bit disappointed as the show seemed to suffer from the bad writing that afflicts so many modern shows, but as I watched it, it improved a bit and ended up being a fairly good show. not great by any means, but good, and had some laughs in it for sure. really glad to see it given another shot, it will get better, guaranteed.

One can truly identify with this man. so many people just go through the motions in life, just accepting everything as it is, questioning nothing. Cindy in accounting's sister has a birthday today! yay! lets give her an office party. most people just accept this, have fun and do the normal dribble of chit chat involved. but not reggie, he thinks its' rediculous to have ANOTHER dumb office get together over such trivial things.

The U.S. version of the office, never have watched it until just this week when they put repeats on a local channel. Boring, dull, dumb comedy, i'ts too realistic. The Brits do comedy so much better

but I have suggestion for the new reggie show, more daydreams, more fantasies, they were the funniest parts of the the show, and they didn't do enough of them. the first time I saw the wrecking ball hitting somebody reggie was annoyed with, it was hilarious, then they used the same gag again in a later episode. lazy, come on guys you can do better!another quibble is that the boss is just a bit too sterotyped as the dumb obnoxious boss, I have seen this character before many times in other shows, it's just a bit too much. again, lazy writing and creativity. make the guy a bit more complex than just this bombastic idiot. it's too easy and predictable. really was anybody surprised that in the last episode, the boss makes reggie do all the work, then takes credit for it? gee,what a surprise. it's just too pat.


I don't know about anyone else, but I just can't really take anyone who uses the word "britcom" all that seriously.

Also if you really think that the US version of The Office is "too realistic" then you obviously have never seen the original. It is much MUCH more realistic than the US remake. And this whole thing about US remakes always being bad only seems to be perpetuated by people who's knowledge of the history of remakes of UK TV seems to begin with the awful US version of "Coupling". A few of the most respected and long running US sitcoms were remakes of UK shows, All In The Family for instance. In fact the list of good US remakes is definitely larger than that of the bad or failed ones. I love the original The Office a great deal, but I also think that the US version is a terrific, intelligent show, and it has some of the most talented people in US TV working on it. It started off badly in it's first six episode season, but that was because they were trying too hard to mimic the original. Since the second season they've taken the show in their own direction, and it has been excellent ever since. Not that you'd know any of that from the limited chance you've apparently have given the series, and the obvious negative preconceptions you brought to it.


hey smeg for brains, you can't be all bad since you must be a red dwarf fan. what' so bad about the term britcom? what's the big deal? you are right about one thing, maybe I haven't given the office enough of a chance, it is simply not my cup of tea, that's all. it may be very intelligent, and has talented people working on it, etc but I just don't find it funny. I love ricky gervias but I don't want to watch the office. I loved him in "Extras" I loved "coupling" the british version, it was just great. I don't know what the actual record is of successful or not remakes of british shows here. all I know is that I like shows on both sides of the pond. loved for instance "black books" and "the IT crowd" and I would be very, very skeptical of any american remake of these two shows. they depend too much on the british actors and style of humor. I could be wrong, maybe they could be good, but I doubt it. I much prefer british humor. to me black books and the IT crowd are flat out hilarious, I turn on the office and just get bored and don't find I laugh more than a chuckle hear or there two times in the half hour. to each his own, i'ts just me.

did you like the new red dwarf movie? looks like they are going to do a new series. red dwarf is one of my all time favorties. I'd even watch an american version if they did it. I saw that jane leaves of fasier was going to be in the american version they tried to make a few years back, I would have watched it just for her!


THis show is really coming back for a second series. I went see the recording of the last episode of series 2 and it was a very funny evening. I think that series 2 will be better than series 1.


ya hoo! yes I would bet that the second series would be better since the first one was kinda average. can't wait! only drawback is while he's doing reggie perrin, he's not doing doc martin, and I like them both. damm bbc, why can't they just do more than 6 or 8 per season?


Second Series of Reggie Perrin - 27/03/2010

The second series of the modern version of Reggie Perrin has now been fully recorded. It stars Martin Clunes once again. Most of the old team from the first series, shown last year, are back, and there is a great new addition to the cast - the brilliant Alexander Armstrong, playing a neighnour who is not to be trusted. David has written the series with Simon Nye and is happy to acknowledge that Simon has led the way in creating a new modern interpretation of the 1970s classic. Some fans of the original found it difficult to come to terms with the new version, but David hopes that they will now settle down and accept it as a completely new series on the old theme, rather than a remake. But of course it does still contain many elements from the original. Look out for the return of Grot.

