MovieChat Forums > 47 Ronin (2013) Discussion > Contender for Worst Movie of 2013

Contender for Worst Movie of 2013

After seeing the trailer which encapsulates all mayor action sequences, I believe this has got the potential of being the worst picture of the year. The dialogue looks like it has been written by a 9-year old, the cgi looks awful and Keanu should start doing movies with Nicolas Cage. I mean bad-acting wise, those two are just unbeatable. And how the hell did they manage to piss away 175 million dollars on this? At least the director should feel like the luckiest man on the planet, being somebody with no feature film experience getting a budget like that. Bombs away !



Wow, another douchenozzle judging a movie they've never even seen. How original.


Having seen it, I can tell you that it's not going to bomb.

It may be wrong of them, but they value their lives.


impossible for its still in post production; either a liar or you have delusions of grandeur

if u cant sleep someone is dreaming you're awake


could be (yet another) person on imdb that works in the industry or has a cousin who has an advanced copy.

i saw an advanced screening on my private jet. i couldn't hear much of the dialogue over the jacuzzi motor. i'll need to get that fixed.

Thread ender.


You still use motors in your jacuzzi? I just have staff blow into it through straws.





I spoke to someone who has 100% seen the film, and they say it is amazing, and beautiful. They said the guy with the tatoos who appears on all the posters is in the movie for about a minute.
She also said the Oldboy remake sucks, and that they had to cut the marketing budget significantly because of it.
I swear on my family's lifes, this is true :O


Movie sucked..take a lesson from "The Last Samurai" just better in all phases.


Did I say it was a bad movie? No, I said IT HAS THE POTENTIAL of being the worst movie of 2013, and I gave some of my arguments. People are still allowed to give their opinion on a trailer, last I checked free speech wasn't cancelled. So don't be a retard and call somebody a douche or a troll just because you don't agree with his or her opinion.


Doesn't free speech cover the douche and troll comments as well? I don't think you totally understand the concept...


No you are correct. People's freedom of speech allows them to call him a douche and a troll as well. The fact those people are correct is an added bonus.

This movie is going to make a gajillion dollars. I am not sure how Keanu Reeves does it but he works himself into some truly epic roles in movies that have huge appeal to the masses. The dude is NOT a great actor, but he might be the best actor in the world when it comes to picking his roles wisely.


I'm curious as to which movies you believe were wise choices. He's been in several pretty bad movies. "man of tai chi" was not too bad (to me), but "day the earth stood still" was terrible


I think the Matrix was kinda well picked.... Might be wrong here, but it was a success no?


yes i liked matrix. the sequels not as much but i still go back and watch them time to time. i was referring more to his more recent movies.


Free speech might cover it, but that doesn't mean you're not being idiotic and rude about someone disagreeing with you. Just sayin'.


The trailer was pretty terrible

In the words of George Takei, "Oh My!"


just as a parachute has the potential not to deploy.
just as a person could transmit you a cold.
just as you might crash in your car.

your whole thread is pointless causing pointless debate


Judging by the trailer this movie looks terrible. Will be it 100% true to be terrible no? But I am sure its got a 95% chance of being just a bad and poorly made film.


tit for tat


What we have here... {steps behind rock}.. is the internet troll... they tend to run rampant in the wild and here we see one in its natural habitat the imdb message boards; one should never attempt to contact the troll as it only feeds them and they become bigger with more contact... the correct thing to do {against all natural reactions} is to ignore the troll and not feed them the power they crave; eventually they will return to their mothers hibernation chambers {i.e. basement} and die if left to their own devices

if u cant sleep someone is dreaming you're awake


No, for real dude, that trailer makes this movie look like a special level of awful. Seriously, Keanu is the lead, so without knowing anything else about the movie, you know it's going to contend for worst of the year anyway. The cheesy dialogue in the trailer delivered by a cheesy actor just makes it all the more laughable.


as amusing your post was, you don´t seem to know what a troll is.
He stated his opinion and answered to a post without insulting ar raving about senseless stuff. And, one must admit, he has a valid point. The trailer looks downright awful, and Keanu, even on his peak, was never a good actor to begin with. This, added to the misleading title, really has the potential for most disappointing/worst movie of the year

"...but they hung him anyway."
"Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry."


no you're just dumb. obviously to you dragons and mythical beings existed in real life. this story has nothing to do with the real 47 ronin, which is a let down. i was hoping it would be a big budget version of the real version. not some fairy tale bs, hell the guy covered in the tattoo's, shouldn't he be wearing japanese folklore tattoo's since they are in japan and that tattoo style existed in that era. The tattoo's he has on didnt even exist till modern age


Worse than "Grown Ups 2", "Hansel and Gretel" or "After Earth"? Doubt it.


I liked Hansel and Gretel! Not sure what people were expecting when they went in to this one...

Well, send me a postcard from Paradise.


Maybe not the worst movie of 2013 with such thick competition like 'After Earth', but you'd have to be a studio plant to say that this is going to make it big, or is even going to be halfway decent.

This is going to be a bad parody of the Last Samurai. And the Last Samurai itself was already a bit of a joke mixed with some good parts.


Lol, everything has the potential to be terrible when you've only witnessed a :30 trailer spot. I don't even want to see this movie, or even care if it's worth a *beep* this message board is trollcity for some reason.



In fact, the trailer is 2:31, and has plenty of plot elements and big action sequences in it. I think you don't need to be a genius or even a cinephile to feel this movie feels a bit off and has more than potential of being crap. I had exactly the same feeling with the first trailer of John Carter.
For the record the budget is more like $225 million and not $175 million, and the director has been fired from the editing room.


As long as China and Japan don't go crazy and threaten each other again this film will do gangbusters in Asia.

Also there are a lot of fans of the original story even though this seems way more a fantastical 'hollywood' take on it but hell it looks good i'll give it a shot.

The crime is life, the sentence is death!


'ragingdemon' says: "As long as China and Japan don't go crazy and threaten each other again this film will do gangbusters in Asia."

Are you goddamn high or something? This film is going to CRASH in Asia. Expect two expectations from the Japanese:

1) Laughing off the film as a really bad parody of their culture and history
2) Being offended at the film as a really bad parody of their culture and history.

The rest of Asia is not going to pay a dime to see any movie about 47 ronins, good or bad. That's like expecting the Europeans to flock to the theatre because you made a movie about Robin Hood.

Plus, the lead is a white guy in a film that's kinda supposed to be Japanese. You think the Asians are going to lap that up?

Either you are really stupid or you are a studio plant.


We'll see when the numbers come in, if you are wrong i get a new signature.

The crime is life, the sentence is death!


What your failing to realize is Keanu is actually pretty popular in Asia. He is certainly more popular there than he is in the US these days.

Still Shooting With Film!



You were exactly right... did ragingdemon get a new sig yet?

I'm really enjoying reading people's predictions of success here... so funny in 20/20 hindsight, knowing the movie is the biggest bomb ever.

The Doctor is out. Far out.


Ok, you've witnessed 2:31 seconds of a 120:00+ film. That means you've seen like 1/55 of the entire movie, which clearly justifies that you can disregard an entire film as if you've watched the whole thing. You're right, I'm wrong.


I don't know about other people, but when I see a movie trailer, I can grasp the general feeling of the movie from it. That's kind of the point, to advertise it. Once you've seen enough movies, you can get the idea from the rest of it how it's going to be, that's also the point, unless what was advertised is radically different than what it really is (which does happen, but I doubt is the case with something like this).

There's nothing off base about him judging it based on the trailer, that's the point. You have to see it from the flipside of your argument. Sure, you might only be seeing 1/55th of the movie, but how many movies are so uneven, so different than other parts of itself, that the tone and type of movie it is vastly different from anything you see in any one given part?

If you don't like the 2 minute 30 second trailer, then you probably won't like even more of that, which is the mentality he's going with. He has reasons for why he thinks it too, so it's not even unfounded.

With every movie I've ever hated, no matter what portion or piece I saw, I didn't like it, because the production as a whole was something I didn't enjoy. I don't think trailers are immune to that.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


dwest stop trying to argue...obviously its a terrible trailer and I cant remember a really good movie that had such a terrible trailer. If you wanna argue points as to why you think the film will be successful then by all means go ahead. But dont tell people they cant get a proper feel for a movie through its trailer. Its obvious this movie will be really bad.


I completely agree. I was excited about this when I saw it on the IMDB homepage and read the synopsis. Then I saw it starred Keanu and almost didn't even bother with the trailer after that...but then I watched the trailer. Wow, that was bad.


Its a fun idea but but Keanus acting looks really bad in the trailer. Im not the one to judge bad acting but he looks horrible in this one..
