Skull tattooed guy

What's the deal with him?!
I know this lunatic got his face inked like a skull then he landed a big deal with one of the designer clothes companies as a model but what is he doing in this film?!
He's shown once for a brief moment yet he is on the freaking poster!
Was he just bait for people to think this film is cool?
Which it is not.


So stupid. Somebody in marketing had some stupid crush on him or something. The movie was a waste of my life. keanu reeves is a horrible actor.


I spent the entire movie waiting for this guy to show up, almost missed his one second cameo. I thought he would tag along Keanu escaped from Whatever Island, but nope. Didn't realise until now that the guy actually has those tattoos for real. What an odd way to advertise the film.


Yeah it kinda broke up the immersion there since I know it's real and he's a contemporary figure. Doesn't work in the movie at all, it's like doing a Coke product placement or having one of the Kardashians having their butt drawn a la old timey selfie.


Yeah I thought he looked really cool on the poster and was kinda looking forward to see that character in action (even though I was not looking forward to the film itself). I was disappointed that he only had like one second in the movie.

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Says there in the trivia that he had a larger supporting role, but the studio wanted changes so they pretty much cut him... Stupid move and really stupid move to leave him on the poster just below Keanu...


I thought he was going to be some secondary antagonist huntung down Keanu and the Ronin. Oh well, movie had potential but was pretty botched up.


That seems like there was massive studio interference and lots of cuts.
