Favourite moment

At least a game that is a wolverine game, where you feel totally in control of his abilities and powers, and it doesn't just feel like a generic action game with wolverine slapped into it (Last Xmen movie game, im looking at you). This game was absolutely fantastic.

Id love to know, what's everyone's favourite moment?

Mine was lunging from enemy to enemy ripping the machine gunners apart, and then realising there was one left, i just walked slowly towards him, then picked him up for a vicious quick kill. Such an awesome moment, yet it was in game, with normal moves and no cutscenes. Absolutely brilliant.

I drowned in a think tank


In general, just running through the game in the X-Force outfit which is my personal favorite. I was the brown until X-Force came back and the black and grey with the red eyes is just sic

The lunging at anyone as long as you could lock on.

The quick kill were all awsome but the first time i did it to a Shifter and ___ (big guys with shields cant remember name) i just stopped and went "Damn that was rough"

But the best moments for me were going through the logs and getting all of the references to other characters from the books. The only 2 i can remember, and i think that they are both in the escape from weapon x, they mention Nathan Essex doing gene work and he's Mr. Sinister so that was awsome. And they mention experiment 23 comming along nicely or something like that which i can only asume is X-23 which doesnt make sense in the continuity but either way thats also awsome.

So yeah sorry for the rant


Which one was X-23? lol, im an Xmen fan, but not a huge fan haha.

The big guys with shields are the goliaths? Yeah, they were awesome, you mean the kill where he cuts their large arms of and batters them to death with it?

I drowned in a think tank


Both of the Goliath kills were awsome
I also liked the other one where he stabs them in the head, slams them down, then kick them off of his claw. Just plan brutal

X-23 is a female genetic clone of wolverine. It's a really long story so its probably easier to just wiki it

But yeah she wasnt in the game but she was kinda hinted at in one of the audio logs


Ahhh, all the audio logs were pretty clever, made the puzzles a bit better. Plus, loads of nostalgia moments in there. I did like some of quick kills too. A lot of them were similar to the "strike" moves in Xmen 2: Wolverine's Revenge. That game was almost as good as this game.

I drowned in a think tank


My fav part has to be the level where you chase Gambit around.. Now I've done the game on easy and normal (in on day, with eating breaks) and tommorrow I'll try and get past the hard level.. see if it is harder.. because to me, easy and normal seemed the same..


The Sentinel fight had a nice epic feel to it. That was probably my favorite part of the game.


Final section of the fight with Gambit on top of the Las Vegas light sign. It was epic for me, considering how it went. Fast paced and violent, yet long and grueling.

No Sparkling Wiggles here!
