Simon Baron Cohen

in the first 5 mins of the film, a psychologist by the name of simon baron cohen appears. i believe he's sascha baron cohen's uncle the guy behind borat and bruno?


Yes, I have read that the two ARE related. I think they are ... cousins?

I could be wrong, though.


sascha is a very intelligent individual to begin with despite choosing a life of comedy instead so its quite possible the both of them are related from one smart guy to another.


Agreed. I am awaiting confirmation as to what their exact relationship to one another is.

I think Baron-Cohen's comedy is AB-FAB, although some of his characters' schtick goes on and on forever & a day ...
R.I.P., Brittany Murphy


Just finished the book. Stated he is his cousin.


Cohen is a fairly common surname...


Maybe so, but hyphenated Baron-Cohen would be less so.

"Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it"
