Another rehash of the same issues as always

This film disappointed me because it really just re-hashes the same old cases as always, and ignores many other areas of speech. It's probably due to self-censorship.

* the expansion of copyright vs. fair use
* libel, slander, fraud, counterfeit, and perjury
* pornography, obscenity, movie and TV ratings
* privacy, paparazzi, others' free speech about you
* your free speech about yourself
* free speech in the military
* the idea that money has become speech
* the expense of getting your speech heard
* written or oral examinations as free speech
* spying for foreign powers
* what is and isn't speech at all

It just seems like we've carved off many things that "aren't protected speech" without actually amending the First Amendment to say so.


* The First Amendment's social role in artificially making all ideas equally valid: often a court decision in favour of free speech is interpreted as agreement with the speech as being superior.
