MovieChat Forums > Cat Dancers (2008) Discussion > The Supposedly Rare Litter

The Supposedly Rare Litter

In one of the extra interviews, trainer Wayne Oxford remarks at about the 15:00 mark about Ron's "very unique litter" that was born "post-accident" that supposedly included a white cub, a tabby cub, and a black cub. This litter supposedly didn't survive because Ron, distracted by grief, didn't notice the babies were having respiratory difficulties and by the time he sought vet help, it was too late. Is this litter perhaps the same litter we see footage of at around the 40:00 mark in the main documentary footage? Ron doesn't mention another litter, so it's unlikely Diva and Shere Khan had another litter of cubs, and he says he gave these cubs away to "former students". The video footage taken after Diva has given birth (she looks exhausted) shows an orange tabby and two whites, not an orange, white, and black, and he mentions nothing about them later dying.

So, what to make of this contradiction in video and interview footage? Given that we witness both men stretching the truth in their interviews and Gordon confesses that until the producers first told him about Jupiter's attack on two humans, he knew nothing about the Holiday case at all, there are several possibilities:

Diva had another litter that Ron doesn't mention that she lost post-whelping (entirely possible--Ron has been shown to stretch the truth more than once during his interview, and admits to initially lying about Diva and Shere Khan's parentage and relationship after the Jupiter attacks, so he might have left off one of Diva's pregancies);
The litter Wayne Oxford heard about was misdescribed (again entirely possible--Oxford claims to have heard "a thousand different versions" of Joy's death, none of them matching Ron's description; it's entirely possible he heard about a litter but the detais weren't right);
The "Supposedly Rare Litter" Oxford describes is the one Ron got on tape and it was really just a white/tabby/white mix, just like the video shows, and Ron really did give the cubs away to former students to raise (most likely, as it fits the known facts and the available evidence, but then, which students got the cubs and why weren't there current pictures of them? Ron doesn't seem like the kind of big cat parent who'd just give his babies away and not keep up with them...)

Anybody else got any theories?
