It's so sad....

This movie on youtube has under 70,000 views. Yet unknown people babbling about current pop culture events, and making fools of themselves on the internet easily top a million views.

that's our society in a nutshell...out of all the people i know only one of them has taken the time to view this movie in it's entirety. I can't help but feel hopeless.

I mean, even my parents who you'd think would be very interested in the state of the economy and why it is in such a state, fell asleep within the first 10 minutes of this film.

granted, the first half isn't exactly entertaining, but the second half is very interesting and all true.

So my question to you all is, what can we do to spread this knowledge?

My suggestions:

Send the youtube link to everybody you can on faceboo/myspace/msn. Try not to make it seem like a forward so people will actually watch it.

the reason i recommend youtube links is because the movie is free online so it is not deemed piracy, also people tend to watch youtube and be more accepting of youtube links than anything else.

Also, i encourage everybody who hasn't yet, to sign the Venus Project petition here ->

Last but not least, show anyone you can this movie. I find it's most effective if u start at the point in which they discuss terrorism, as the interesting facts like peanut killing twice as many people as terrorism each year can draw people in much faster than the long discussion of banks, money, and debt. I don't consider it less important than the rest of the film but in terms of getting others to sit through it i find this is the best place in the film to start.

All other suggestions are welcome...i hope this thread doesn't turn into an immature flamefest. I tried to be as objective as possible...and those who do not believe this film is something that should be viewed by everyone should have stopped reading my post after the first few lines either way.

Thank you all for your time in reading this...your thoughts are greatly appreciated!


The whole thing is a bunch of jumbled misinformation, loosely strung together. The economic hit man part was kind of interesting, but apart from that this movie has completely missed the point of why the economy is bad: a lack of regulation, corruption, corporate greed, and inept politicians--NOT a secret society of bankers and a global conspiracy.


"this movie has completely missed the point of why the economy is bad: a lack of regulation, corruption, corporate greed, and inept politicians--NOT a secret society of bankers and a global conspiracy."

They are one in the same you friggin numbskull. Do you really believe that the rich elite doesn't exist? Do you really believe that they are not profiting off others misery? That globalization is just a buzz word? Call it whatever the hell you want.....but it exists and it needs to stop. A shift in power is necessary no matter how you look at it. Don't be so quick to kick yourself in the teeth.

"Now get some sleep, you've got a 9AM rat helmet!"


The movie doesn't claim any such "secret society" of bankers, nor a global conspiracy (though the first one did).

It just pointed out that bankers, especially the most elite, look out for their own interests. And bankers looking out for their own interests instead of doing things clean and fair is what causes most of the corruption in our government.


i agree with everything you said,the thing is,with people is that you have to be interested in the partiular topic or idea to secure your attention to them,otherwise it will be boring which means in this case that nobody cares about the long as fraudulent celebrites like paris hilton and the personal lives of actors (the ones who have earned their fame) like tom-kat are shoved i their faces theyll continue to be distracted because they dont have lives of their own.

this is why you feel do i.this world will either pull it self together or self destruct.which is your money on?

what is this venus project btw?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,not their own facts.


- PeopleSuckPeriod on Mon Mar 30 2009 02:00:05
"i agree with everything you said,the thing is,with people is that you have to be interested in the partiular topic or idea to secure your attention to them,otherwise it will be boring which means in this case that nobody cares about the long as fraudulent celebrites like paris hilton and the personal lives of actors (the ones who have earned their fame) like tom-kat are shoved i their faces theyll continue to be distracted because they dont have lives of their own.

this is why you feel do i.this world will either pull it self together or self destruct.which is your money on?

what is this venus project btw?"


Son, you should take a look through history.
Time out of mind there have been celebrities who were famous just for being.
No achievements. Nothing distinguishable. No great virtue nor villainy. Nothing exceptional. No single act of heroism nor cowardice.

Mercy, there are nations who have an entire lineage of monarchs whose claim to fame is about the same as that of Paris Hilton.

Even with folks from an older generation, those who remember the game-show Hollywood Squares, they remember that everyday there were nine "famous" people sitting in the boxes...and no one could remember why exactly they were famous...but famous they were since they were sitting in the celebrity boxes.

If you think that Paris Hilton is the biggest cultural woe facing modern society, then I am envious of you. But more frightening than the thought of Paris Hilton being a celebrity is the thought of you giving it more than a cursory amount of notice and importance. I think most of us have said, "eh...whatever." That you allow yourself to dwell on people who are packaged and sold to you leads me to suspect that you are mighty gullible.

Let me probably think that this film "Zeitgeist" is a documentary...don't you?


i only used paris hilton and tom-kat as examples,the point of my post is that people never bother to live their own lives which is essentially just pathetic and ALOT of people are guilty of it,its similar to religion really because th media just keep shoving these "celebrities" in their faces and they just eat them up because they,themselves,dont have a life.

as for zeitgeist being a doc...wht would you call it,its a non-fiction film of facts based on whats going on in the world right now with historical references whether people agree with them or not.

im not dwelling on anyone,all these other idiots are,im content just hating them,haha.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,not their own facts.


It is a documentary? You trying to be some smug about something here?


problem is that you are dumb enough to take this utter piece of crap as the holy bible. If you were smarter than the people you pity you would grab economics, history and teology books.... and you´d realize that this movie, as the first one was dogs***.

I believe human race is quite idiotic. Proof of it is that tZG and ZGA got 8.7 in IMDB while the should have been rated with 0 points.-
