MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008) Discussion > Why are we always lacking intellectual m...

Why are we always lacking intellectual minds?

"Unless humanity realizes its relationship with nature we are going to be *beep* doomed!"

For all the lazy trolls here watch this and then post crap...!

~JaZZy SaRaVaNa~



People get so hung up on specific petty issues, like who was responsible for 9/11, or they attribute some dubious ideology to Fresco or Peter Joseph. The blame game has accomplished nothing in the long term, but many people seem determined to continue it.

But all they need to do is listen to the basic principles the VP proposes. It's purely common sense and the scientific method. It has nothing to do with ANY ideology

hey, this is not about the dream of jacque fresco only, is about the dream of martin luther king, the dream of abraham lincon, the dream of Ghandi and the dream of millions of people that suffer the injustice,misery,cruelty etc. we are not whining, maybe you are ok with the situation of division,crime,thief etc. but as you life go at some point in your life you will think and maybe not now but in the future you will think, why there is so much hatred? why we didnt anything to change that?

~JaZZy SaRaVaNa~


You posted the same thing over on the Zeitgiest forum.

I gave my answer there.

Sic Sempre Tyrannis!

