opinions aside...

Does anyone else see this movie as a propoganda film for a different social movement, basically putting people who made it on the same line as people who they call "bad"?

Arguing over this film is the same as arguing over avatar regarding rainforests. Pointless. Make up you own damn mind!



Actually the creater of the Venus Project says in the film that it is not perfect and that we can never achieve perfection.



True but i think the way civilization makes changes and improves living standards is by people coming up with ideas to make things better and he just happens to be one of those people putting out an idea that he believes could better society. Now i personally don't know a lot about the Venus Project so i can't say if it's a utopian pipe dream or something but i think of it as a raw idea that other people could put their input into and make it more realistically feasable to put into action. I mean i'm sure there was a time when people thought it would be crazy to think a country could survive without a monarchy. I personally like the idea of a resource based economy, to me it just makes a little more sense than the monetary system.


First off, we already had resourse economy called barter economy. Go figuer why that did not work out. Second, in the movie he actually says stuff about drunk drivers which is... disturbing to hear. He says that he would rather see technology than people being responsible for their actions. He postulates a whole lot of things as if he knows human "psyke" from a to z. He says that if you give people everything they need then there will be no more crime. I dare not to speak for the whole project for I dont know much about it but yeah, stuff he says is pretty damn stupid and unsuported by any valid facts of research.
To put a pendulum into a car so that it doesnt crash when a drunk driver steers it is not a valid solution. It is a safty measure but it still does not rid the individual of personal responsability.
Before you can give people everything they need you need to be sure what do they actually need and I highly doubt that he or anyone in the project can even get a close guess on what I personally need (or for that matter a **** load of other people). Oh and some people commit criminal acts just for the heck of it.
I personnaly dont like the religious apparatus for its corruption and thus do not belong to any religious "office" though I do have "faith" in that I believe in God. It is in my own way and I choose to interpret what I read my own way again. I believe in it not because I need some feeling of unity or for any other reason they mention, I believe just because it makes sense to me like it makes sense to any other person whatever they think and believe. I know that in most of the ways I am an animal controlled by a whole set of instincts and needs but that still does not explain any of the thoughts that Im having. To simplify the social structure like he does to the point of where a human merely needs technology to run his/her life is straight out laughable. If the whole world was made up of Einsteins then we would have been extinct long ago. If tech was the only solution and monetary system only problem then we would have had a perfect sociaty long ago. If such concepts as "perfect", "right" or "wrong" actually existed, we would not have this conversation, we would not have a word "opinion", we would be a gray mass. This could go on forever and I dont really believe in internet forum discussions but hey, it kills time and its at very least fun :)
Mind you, everything that ever is a part of our social order today (99% of it) is man-made. So where do you think the problem is really? Besides, looking at the whole picture, we are plentifull, we actually live and we are not about to go extinct (unless something cataclysmic happens tomorrow) so I guess we are doing at least something right, if what I just mentioned is the actual point of living :P


"[M]aking progress toward increased living standards"? For who? The only ones whose standards of living are increasing is the 1% in charge of nearly everything, while the other 99% is loosing their standard of living with every passing minute.

The Venus Project's vision for the future isn't perfect but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to move toward it. It's a hell of a lot better then today's world.



If you can't see it than there's no point arguing. You need to open your eyes and look at the world around you.



The evidence is everywhere. The evidence is me, my family, my friends. The evidence is our whole screwed up economy. The evidence is our fraudulent excuse of a democracy.



Yes, I obviously do have a computer with internet access however this does not prove your point at all. Excuse me for thinking about the future.

Our current economic and political system has working wonders for us until recently. It HAS put me in the top 10% of the world. However, our economic and political system is dated. In the last 10 years it has done nothing but progress backwards. At this time it does nothing but benefit the rich. If current trends continue, the middle class, and even the lower class in America will cease to exist. They both will be as badly off as those of third-world-countries.

And FYI, insulting someone doesn't make your point either, napottir.



I've tried to alert people to what's going on. I've tried to gain support for a social, political and economic reform. I've boycotted institutions I don't support. For the time being, there's nothing else I can do.




So given that, why don't you move to a dirt hut in the middle of a desert. After all, that's not perfect either right? 1 billion starving people? Not perfect, but hey, WHATEVER!

Or would you rather prefer something a whole lot better?

It's that black and white thinking that is the byproduct of this good vs evil, capitalist vs socialist crap we've been conditioned by for EVER.

Time to evolve.



I feed hungry people and work for charities. I prefer to work for them than donate money to other larger corporation that say they will help the starving poor in Africa. Why? Because most of the donated money ends up funding the organisation and not the people they claim to help.

I see your reasoning and its a very passive wait and see approach. You know the British Empire and all its white majority colonies have been reaping the rewards of white rule for centuries. And this is a trend that you can measure. You can also measure the hundreds of years that native americans and indigenous black peoples of africa have had to go without, because of the exploitation of natural resources and human displacement large scale corporations cause worldwide. That you can measure right now.

Another thing you can see a trend is that all the priveledged peoples of the world remain largely intact since the old days of the monarchies. There is little evidence that this will change, only because we can make a few more fridges and flat screen TVs. The worlds resources are finite, and we (western capitalism) have been operating under the assumption that everything is replenishable. Or that "nature" is outside of the development life cycle of a product.

Now you tell me that we are not yet done with seeing how industrialisation will improve society as a whole. And it is very convenient for you to take this position because we see evidence everywhere that the poor are always neglected 1st. But you want others to "wait and see" because maybe 50-100years from now, globalisation and the fruits of labor will catch up to the 3rd world? That is plain and utter naive reasoning sir. You know just as well as anyone else that capitalism only works by providing a scarce mindset. Without this you marketing anything, would be like marketing ice to eskimos. Money is arbitrary and outdated and the sooner we know this will not push humanity forward, but rather protect the status quo to remaining this way indefinitely....then the sooner we can properly and seriously look at engineering a society for the people and not for the material accumulation of the few versus the many.


No jfstalin, I see narrow minded drones like you as being the problem with this world. These films arent perfect, as Jacque Fresco said nothing can ever be. The fact you are stupid enough to suggest that the makers of the film are anything like the corporate fat cats who are ruling our existence suggests you are pretty deluded.

There's no argument to be made, you're either intelligent enough to see the wisdom in the message the auteur is sending across or in your case, not.
