MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008) Discussion > Why do people argue about this on here?

Why do people argue about this on here?

I just don't get why people have pages and pages of arguments about this film/topic when you can see from the start that it isn't going anywhere. If you deny all of what this film says then fine, you're happy to be lied to and you can live with the the situations that this film documents (kids dying etc etc).

The thing that annoys me most is that no one is willing to disprove anything that has been said in the film. It's all insults and 'this is *beep* or 'he should learn economics' etc etc.

I just don't understand how people just ignore the problems that this planet has. They have pretty much blatantly come from the world powers but instead you're just happy to argue that 'the country needs a bank to keep peoples money safe'. *beep* the money! Save the thousands of children that are dying horrible deaths every day, and then sort the *beep* money out!

It's in a nutshell, people are far too obsessed with money than they are about saving lives. for that, you are just as bad as the people who are the problem.

Cue the smart arse replies!!



Never underestimate the power of denial... Let's face it, is hard to admit that our entire life is totally and utterly ruled by green papers with pictures of dead guys.
The message in Zeitgeist Addendum is clear, and if people "don't get it" is because they're all greedy bastards brainwashed by a *beep* system where no one wins, and it's not our fault, we didn't choose to have a social structure like this one, but sooner or later we're gonna have to do something to fix it.

Death penalty if you kill for money? Better to kill the monetary system.



russcarlin you are bleepin right
sad state of the world

There is another reality...NEVERWHERE


Hey Russcarlin,

I agree with your points to some extent but have a few observations to make.

Argument within the context of new ideas is good. It is the ability for people with differing views to find a common ground. Argument helps to inform those who do not have all the facts about a particular idea and to challenge a hypothesis to see whether when challenged it can hold water. Now I agree that due to the current standard of education in the world at the moment some people's arguments revolve around - I am right and you are wrong and if you don't agree I will find some witty or downright offensive way of showing my contempt - but there are a growing number of people who are inclined towards constructive discussion and the use of critical thinking in order to make an informed decision about a particular subject rather than an emotional decision based on preconceived beliefs.

It is a hard step to make but my opinion is that we should embrace those who have a different view from ours, even if it is antagonistic, because it offers us the chance, through discussion, to find out deeper truths about the views that we hold. There will be some people that are just out for a fight and will not consider reasonable explanations but by our example we can attempt to show them there is another, more constructive way of holding debate, and hopefully envision a new future.

There is one other extremely important point about the inherent possibilities within the view offered by 'Zeitgeist' - We do not need to all agree. For those of us that do agree with the points made in the movie we can begin in our own lives to be the change we wish to see. By increment and eventually by critical mass (if enough people wish to save the species) we will begin to integrate this new world view until it becomes a practical way of thinking, and eventually a reality in our daily world.

Will that happen?
I guess we will see

Books are like a mirror. If an ass looks in, you can't expect an angel to look out.


I agree with you Russcarlin. I guess the problem could be that if a movie or book, or person, comes along and says something that challenges your 'worldview' or even threatens to call long held beliefs into question, then it's a natural response to get angry, basically go through the cycle of loss & death that Elisabeth Kubler -Ross identified many decades ago. The cycle is also noticeable in addiction and it is really up to the individual to work their way through it or remain in a state of denial. It has always been so and probably forever will be. Change is scary. But as the saying goes 'Feel the Fear but do it anyway'.
The fact that people can get so annoyed & angry about this movie for instance only goes to show that they find it threatening. The abuse, or *beeps* as you call them show another stage of the cycle, which is anger.
People are far too obsessed with money, period. It's just more lust & greed trying to find a way to fill that hole inside oneself. Better try non-attatchment to material things and recognise that "Life is Suffering", as the Buddha reminds us in the first noble truth.
Peace & good wishes to you, Greg.


Congratulations - you all agree with Russ Carlin. First prize was $10,000 but since it would be issued by the Federal Reserve....maybe you all will just make do with these Quasi-historical items. "I'll trade you Lincoln's beard for a loaf of bread. No? How about Napoleon's horse for a glass of water? No? Dang it - should've taken the money."

Everything's Better With Cake!


Yes lets not have any arguments or different opinions.

You zeitg eist zealots are just too much.
