What do we do??

From reading the forums and watching this film is it apparent that I am not alone.

But not being alone in this thought process brings little comfort, and rather more torment, as thinking something doesn't automatically make it happen.

So how to we get the doing started? What is actually being done now? If people agree with this plan what steps can we take to put it into action?

How can we support green energy from the grass roots? I'm a casual worker and can't afford to have my car converted to a hybrid or install solar panels. How do we show our support and give people with power incentive and ability to make radical change?

Does anyone know...?

...What can we do?

- Feed your head. - Grace Slick


Energy's one of our problems, but I think we first must create massive consciousness about what's happening and how it's affecting our lives. Most of the people doesn't even know that around 50% of the world is starving to death and that there's still places where there isn't drinkable water or a near health facility/school/bathroom and so on!

Freed from energy corporations needs to be massive and not just "me, you and our neighborhood".
So as for now we need to spread the message, just doing that will be a huge step, knowledge is power. Possible alternatives to our current energy/monetary system will arise soon.



For me it began about four weeks ago, when I read some replies on a board of an Austrian newspaper. There was a link to a movie called "Money as Debt". I watched it and couldn't believe it. So I went on looking for other proof for or against the statements of this movie. And I found till today nothing that proves the opposite. I watched "Fabian - Give me the world plus 5%" and "Zeitgeist Addendum", I searched the internet for "cash generation" (I hope it's the right English term) and found only confirmation. I was devastated and tried to find some consolation and hope. I found it in Bernd Senf, Wörgl's Monetary Experiment of 1932 (http://alt-money.tribe.net/thread/70e5eb29-853d-44ca-9faa-b789d1757037 ) and others. But in my surrounding there is no knowledge about this money creating process and the worst part isn't that nobody knows where the money comes from, but that nobody asks the question and nobody seems to want to know. But I think everybody needs to know this. So I tried different ways to make the people around me aware of this, with mostly bad results. Some think I am crazy, some feel I am intrusive, some worry about me. So what can I do? First I think I have to take a step back and try to relax, and I absolutely agree with GonoManiax ("but I think we first must create massive consciousness about what's happening and how it's affecting our lives"). First we have to plant the questions "Where does the money come from? Who creates it? Who decides how much money exists?" in the heads of our neighbors, friends and family. And then the awareness can and will grow.

What makes me crazy is that it is so simple to solve the "commercial crises", "economic crisis", "economy crisis", "market crisis", "global economy crisis", whatever you want to call it. It's so simple.

For everyone who knows Alan Moore the writer of "Watchmen" I want to give you one of my favorite scenes in comic-history I know of:

"Top 10" #8

Kapela is dying, and guides the attention to the night sky:

Kapela: Just look above you. Do you see? That is called the immense board of lights. And there is the great black... And, strewn across it, small and surrounded and vulnerable and brave... [refers to the stars] There is the great white.

Nebula: Oh. Oh, yeah. Of course. Hah. You know, that's perfect. That's really perfect. And the great white... I mean, there's so much black . A-are we losing?

Kapela: No. Once there was only black. We are winning. All is right. We can go.



Join the movement at www.thezeitgeistmovement.com

Simply spread the ideas - by relating it to the suffering many people have in their lives already. Not by preaching. This is what I do. Also, giving the DVD away to people free is a nice thing to do.



this foundation has a well thought out transition plan to a resource based economy. ive read some of the responses to your question and most seem to think that this wont happen in our lifetime. i dont believe that. especially with this foundations plan. just as technology advances exponentially, our culture can change just as fast. the fact that you actually believe in this makes me feel a little better about me being a believer myself. most people look at me like im retarded or crazy.



This thread being less active clearly shows how much we must change to make the zeitgeist movement a reality..!!!

~JaZZy SaRaVaNa~


Just have faith in humanity, practice virtue and the nature will find a way.
Don't worry, eventually the green energy will come to every home, and new problems will occur, such is the way of nature.
