MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008) Discussion > Someone is getting rich off this.

Someone is getting rich off this.

There is money to be made selling suspense and drama to those addicted to tinfoil.

I gotta hand it to these people, they know how to work the system.



No, there is no sign up fee and the films are free on the internet. What are you on about?

As for the idea of someone making money, even if someone was (which is quite an ironic statement as someone is making more money from you, than you will ever make yourself. You gonna deny that?) then what about the thousands of people who believe in this idea and have had enough? Are they all making money too?

What i'm getting at is the fact that there are millions of people who have had enough (and that's beside the Zeitgeist movement). This is about people becoming more aware of just how much they are getting *beep* over.

The facts are there mate (and they really are if you look)


The facts are there mate (and they really are if you look)

The sheep says: "BAAAAAAA"


no one is making money of this, you silly. It's made to expose and show what the system does.


Of cource there are some money in circulation within all movements against NWO, Illuminati and so on. We do live in a Monarchy where you have to maintain a certain amount of money to survive. Nothing is free.

- I'm The Definition of Flaws


Monarchy? What the hell are you on about?


I think he meant we have a monetary system, not monarchy.


Money is not being made off of this, it is a non-profit organization. All the money that is donated is used to create awareness. It is used to cover the costs of booking areas for conferences and meetings, and to make t-shirts dvd's and pamphlets to give out. none of it is used for personal gain


Yes, The Freemasons are getting it...not rich only by money, but by the feeling of fooling thousands thinking Zeitgeist is the truth.

Peter Joseph is a mason puppet.

Idiot trying to prove with no fact that Jesus didn't existed.


...And the fact that Jesus did exist and was the son of god is where?


You know Peter Joseph has a 9-5 job in advertising to be able to pay his rent, yes?

All the money "made" is put into his own funds for making more Zeitgeist movies.

If I'm all wrong and he IS making a profit off this, would that mean it's all hogwash? Because I presume that's the whole assumption that brought up this point.

I choose to not believe so. All material Peter has done is available for free. The idea of buying the dvd, is so you can pass it on to your family and friends, if they're not crazy about sitting in front of their computer to watch a documentary.
Plus it's officially stated on the site, that it is completely within your rights to produce and reproduce as many copies as you want. So long as you do not alter source material.

It doesn't exactly sound like the bio of a money making machine..


yup... there are 2 guys profiting from this s***:

- Peter Joseph
- JAcques Fresco

both ignorant, both thieves, both a-holes.


In the hopes of creating a better and more enlightened society they perhaps have benefited. But I want to hear your opinion on how exactly they profited from this film and why you think they each are ignorant thieves and a-holes. Please, share some of your insight.

* I killed god and all I got was this awesome signature!


Jesus is a son of God.

I am also one of God's children.

What makes him so special?


Ummmm ... i was given around 50 cds/ leaflets free of charge ... but hey!! your right! there definatly making loadsaaa money off this ... idiot



This is the typical denialist attidude, if someone is saying this and making a movie about then...he must be getting rich.

You people need to stop thinking that just because a guy makes a few bucks (and I really mean a few lousy bucks) so that he can pay his production costs (and still be in the red) and is trying to educate you about our crummy monetary system... that he is somehow flawed and running an agenda. You want to know about agendas? How about you work in a bank for a while and see how much the banks take home for just holding onto your hard earned money. Then you will see what is fair and just in this world.


this film is public domain.

no, they are not making money off this, and if they are, they are probably just making the ones that they used to make the film back. so there.

do do do de da da da
