MovieChat Forums > Paper Heart (2009) Discussion > How did this get a fairly wide release?

How did this get a fairly wide release?

I'm genuinely curious. A movie like this belongs in sundance and possibly a few small indy film festivals beyond that, definitely NOT at the multiplex in downtown Seattle. Had I watched this at a small theater with audience members that were part of the movie, then I definitely would have enjoyed it. Seriously though, MUCH more money and production value goes into a single episode of <insert any network tv show here> than this movie. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it shouldn't be playing at a theater attached to a giant mall with an underground parking structure.


This is the dumbest post I've read in awhile.

I bet the "Board" is spelled B-O-R-E-D. -Norm McDonald on "Chairman of the Board"


I've watched dozens of indie films with similar production values as this movie at local festivals, and typically it's only the really good indie films that actually make it to larger theaters. I'm just trying to wrap my head around how this one became the exception. The lead wasn't funny, the acting felt forced, Michael Cera was just more annoyingly awkward than anything else, and the story was wrapped up with words that more or less read "this first ending was lame, so here's a better one" and proceeded with a ridiculously outlandish cardboard cutout segment. Yeah it's cute, and would be great for a movie freely available on youtube, but who honestly would pay 10 bucks for that and not feel a little robbed? A documentary on the making of a documentary is also total cop-out, I used the same concept for a film I made in high school when I was 16. It was as retarded then as it is now.
