
I actually quite liked a lot of the different couples' anecdotes. As for the fake love story, I found it really dull and pointless. It's probably the format that just doesn't work, since the movie fakes a reality where everything is naturalistic (not cinematic and interesting) and you have these actors faking this love story with improvised dialogue sans the comedy. I don't know. I didn't buy it.

Michael and Char are pretty adorable people, but they should stick to fiction where they have a script in their hands.


I have to agree. We spent the whole movie wondering if the whole thing was supposed to be true or not. Once I found out it was staged, I was aghast at how terribly executed it was.


I am a huge Michael Cera fan, but I hated this movie. I found Charlyne's character to be annoying. She acted as if she was too good for everyone, but woe to her because she couldn't find love. When Cera left at the restaurant, I was really hoping he would just leave and keep going, because he didn't deserve her self-serving quips that were neither amusing nor clever.

I thought for a while that Cera must like Yi in real life, because why else would he agree to partake in such a rubbish script? I gave this film two stars rather than only one, because I enjoyed the cut-out paper sequences. Sadly, there weren't enough of them to fill the whole movie.

"Its nothing personal when bombs explode" - Chuck Palahnuik


