Ali was a dick

Man its amazing how cruel he was.


yeah and so was that old white guy




Regardless of how Frazier was portrayed he didn't deserve that kind of treatment from Ali..especially after he helped him out while he was down.

Ali was nothing more than a ego driven, religious fanatic, who was good at boxing. I don't understand why he is such a revered person today..maybe because he has Parkinson's...I don't know.

The only halfway decent thing he ever did was refuse to go to fight a pointless war..but even then he had his own self interest in mind, it wasn't like he did it simply to prove a point or take a stand.


I totally agree with your post! Sure Ali was a great boxer and very charismatic, but he treated Joe Frazier like garbage, & was nothing but a puppet for the Black Muslims. Ali won the third and final bout in Manila, but Frazier gave him the "beat down" that probably was the start of Ali having brain trauma and eventually contracting Parkinson's. Ali went way too far with all the years of calling Frazier an Uncle Tom & a Gorilla. I liked the message on Frazier's cell phone at the end of the documentary.






i saw this the other day on channel 4.
and i thought it was pretty disgusting to take pride and tell people that you feel you were personally responsible for giving a man brain injuries that lead to the onset of parkinsons. and one of his guys says he talks about it with a SMILE on his face.

whatever you think of ali after watching a documentary about him, it was a boxing match, your meant to whip up controversy to get people watching. but to be proud of something like that to me seems sick man.

- who am i? im a spoke on a wheel, so was he and so are you.


Those we never liked Ali then, ain't going to like him now, you can usually tell who they are, most of them still call him Clay.

As to the name calling and psyching them out, he was doing this to opponents years before Frazier, just read up about what he did to Liston.

Its that man again!!



As for his refusal to be drafted, Ali's stand against the Vietnam War was a protest against the treatment of blacks in the U.S at that time.He forfeited wealth and the prime of his boxing career to stand up for his moral beliefs. This is why he is so revered among many around the world.

How the hell did he forfeit his fame and career when he would have been fighting over in Vietnam anyway, and possibly dead.

He didn't forfeit anything,he actually saved his own ass while less fortunate and less famous regular guys died for their country.

He was nothing more than a draft dodger, who just happened to have called it protest.



Dude...My point is..he refused induction into the military and was stripped of his title and boxing license but the only other choice was to go to war and possibly die...seems like a pretty simple choice.

It would be one thing if he was against the war...and wasnt being drafted and decided to quit boxing and give up the fortune and fame as a sign of protest...But he was being told to go fight for a he took the smartest option..refuse to go and call it protest and look like a hero in a country fighting a war deemed unpopular by the general public.

And dont get me started on how no sports athlete should be put on the pedestal as high as Ali is put on when there are countless others who have actually DONE things for the purpose of simply furthering human kind with no personal interest in mind other than to help others.



Ali was a dick..and so are you. Case closed im jk man. You have a valid point, and i see your side of it



He wouldn't have gone to war and died, celebrities rarely saw battle when they were drafted.


"My point is..he refused induction into the military and was stripped of his title and boxing license but the only other choice was to go to war and possibly die...seems like a pretty simple choice."

The truth is that if Ali had gone to Vietnam, he most likely would not have seen combat. Similar to Joe Louis during WWII, he would have been used for morale purposes.

Refusing military induction isn't quite a "simple choice" as you may think. The consequence for this is usually a five-year prison sentence, which is what the gov't tried to impose on Ali. I don't think anyone would argue that three years of military service, especially when the service consists of fighting in boxing exhibitions and going on goodwill tours to military bases overseas, is a far lesser evil than five years in prison.
