MovieChat Forums > K-11 (2014) Discussion > K-11 will have a hard time finding an au...

K-11 will have a hard time finding an audience

have read the script for K-11 and it's not something Kristen's regular fan base would see. Much grittier and darker than the Runaway's. I get that Kristen wants a wide fan base and she is enormously talented- she could act every part in this movie and pull it off. I loved her in Welcome to the Riley's- not once did I think that was Bella on the screen, she was convincing as girl who thought she had nothing to give to anybody but sex. The thing about K-11 is there isn't anyone to care about. The Birdy/Butterfly character is so damaged from the beginning so when she brutally kills her rapist- it's not shocking or a big leap. And the rapist is a convicted child molester so no one cares. People go to movies to be entertained, experience a story they haven't, imagine what it is like to be somebody else. There is no one to identify with or care about in this movie-everyone is a bad guy seemingly beyond hope. So if you want to see people brutalize each and leave the theater hopeless for humanity- this will be your show.
Kristen's mother did something right in raising her- writing this with her in mind wasn't one of them. I'm a Sundance local who has seen my share of indie films at Sundance through the years and I just can't see this movie in this form finding an audience. You would be more informed watching an episode of "Locked Up".


I agree. It will have a hard time finding money and a studio too.

Kristen Stewart




It's just another money-grabbing gimmick for stewart fans. Plus, her mom's gonna direct so the agenda is way too obvious...

A ship sank at the end of the movie Titanic
