Anti-Semetic effort

An 'All American Orgy' consists mostly of whiny Jewish people and negative Jewish stereotypes. What a horrible movie and even worse one size fits all on Jewish folks. Of course, toward the beginning of the film they had to illustrate fear of a Jewish professional nerd over a couple of smart alecky black folks. This was bigotry at its worst.


This person obviously doesn't know talent and is all hung up on stereotypes. You need to be able to think outside of the box to enjoy and appreciate this film. Total slander greatornot.


Not libel if its my opinion. Have a great day.


On what basis did you determine that all the characters were Jewish? I didn't see that at all. Were they all leaving a synagogue at the beginning of the film?


They were all afraid of the black man. They hid on the floor. It was racist enough whether they all came out of a synagogue or not and was BEFORE they'd done any drugs. "Oh a black man followed us from the store and is going to kill us?" Really? This movie was stupid as hell. The dialog was lame. The sex was rape that was passed off as a comedy? That's just not PC. How many times did that woman say No, Stop!? It was offensive on multiple levels.


If you listen closely to the characters. There were quite a few references , sprkinkled through out the movie that the characters were indeed Jewish.Exactly, JustaGirl , and of course the drug dealers had to be black.


i don't know what movie you were watching, but the "rape" scene was NOT funny, nor was it intended to be. How could you watch that scene and think they were trying to make fun of it (besides the guy getting jizzed in the face)?

Do you not understand tone at all? Is everything supposed to always amuse you, or at least try to?

and by the way, had the guy who followed them back to the cabin been ANY race they would have freaked out. Someone who they had a run in with earlier is now showing up at their remote cabin 30 miles away from where they first saw him. Yes, that would be scary. The character just happened to be black.

And if you didn't notice, the black guy was one of the most chill out of everyone. So if anything, it was offensive against WHITE people, by claiming that all white people are scared of black people (but of course they weren't, it was the fact that they were in a cabin and thought he followed them there). I mean, holy *beep* watch the movie again.


If this movie is your experience of "bigotry at its worst," you may have lived in Pleasantville too long to be an appropriate judge.


first of all you dont need to be a genius to just look at all of them and know that they are jewish. also how many movies are there where they have a bunch of jewish stereotypes, i havent seen many. and since all the actors were jewish they were all ok with playing stereotypes and making fun of themselves. which leads me to another stereotype, they paid jews to make fun of them selves i guess that one is true a jew will do anything for money.

C'est en faisant n'importe quoi qu'on devient n'importe qui(by doing anyTHING you can be anyONE.


Actually, I think it's kind of antisemitic to say that you can look at someone and tell they are jewish. That kind of statement reinforces the stereotype of jewish physiognomy, which has no scientific basis whatsoever.


I'm just surprised a bunch of neurotic jews wanted to participate in an orgy. But I only picked the male leads in this film as neurotic. I guess that's just norm.

"When Im Good, Im very Good. But When Im Bad Im better." -Mae West


Now now, most people don't know that there is a word "Semite". I am a quarter semite, Grandma is a holocaust survivor rescued from the Holocaust by Grandad who stormed Normandy on D-Day, and I had no clue about the word Semite until a few weeks ago, when I got my DNA analysis...

