Nostradamus was better

at least he was a real person.


The Bible says that "every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."


I do not confess nor do i bow, therefore your myth book is false.

you said:
The Bible says that "every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."


Nostradamus, was a French apothecary and reputed seer who published collections of prophecies. He is best known for his book Les Propheties ("The Prophecies"), the first edition of which appeared in 1555. Since the publication of this book, which has rarely been out of print since his death, Nostradamus has attracted a following that, along with the popular press, credits him with predicting many major world events. The prophecies have in some cases been assimilated to the results of APPLYING THE BIBLE CODE, as well as to other purported prophetic works. Most academic sources maintain that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus's quatrains are largely the result of MISINTERPRETATIONS OR MISTRANSLATIONS (SOMETIMES DELIBERATE) or else are SO TENUOUS AS TO RENDER THEM USELESS AS EVIDENCE OF ANY GENUINE PREDICTIVE POWER. MOREOVER, NONE OF THE SOURCES LISTED OFFER ANY EVIDENCE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER INTERPRETED ANY OF NOSTRADAMUS'S POETRY SPECIFICALLY ENOUGH TO ALLOW A CLEAR IDENTIFICATION OF ANY EVENT IN ADVANCE.

Just like Lucifer and others who refuse to bow down before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, you're sins will not be forgiven and you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. End of Sins


if heaven is filled with folks like you, who would want to be there?

im sure that after a few hours in the same space as you bible thumpers, an eternal lake of fire would be a welcome change.


Nostradamus, the *cough* 'predictions' he made weren't even translate from his books correctly (do some research on this). But what was reported as his predictions made great food for those who WANT to believe, as well as selling many books and making the writers rich.

I do hope you all eventually learn that every one your organised religions are false and simply reflect the cultures in which they were created (by man). Its especially easy to shoot down the newest jewish sects like Christianity and Islam. Just not really easy to approach on an imdb forum obviously. Simply take this challenge if you can, go out of your religions grasp and educate yourselves to the world beyond, truly question your religion if you really can.
Just please, have the grace not to shoot the messenger when reality hits you ..ok? :)


The_Great_Ahmed_Kahn wrote:

1. "Nostradamus was better . . . at least he was a real person."

2. "I do not confess nor do i bow, therefore your myth book is false."

3. "if heaven is filled with folks like you, who would want to be there? im sure that after a few hours in the same space as you bible thumpers, an eternal lake of fire would be a welcome change."

1. Jesus was born and lived as a man.

2. The Bible says that Every knew SHALL bow and every tongue SHALL confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. You may not do it now but there will be a time that you will. For your happiness now and forever, I recommend that you do it now.

3. Most people who know me like me. I'm now speaking about what the Bible says and what Nostradamus said because you brought up the subject. I and other Christians are spritually linked to Jesus in a way that people who follow Nostradumus, Buddah and Mohammed can never be. Some people are very quick to speak out against Christians, our beliefs and our desire to speak about Jesus so that others may come to know him but rarely speak out against the fanatacism of middle-eastern religions.

Angry-Gorilla wrote:

1. a. "'Nostradamus, the *cough* 'predictions' he made weren't even translate from his books correctly (do some research on this). But what was reported as his predictions made great food for those who WANT to believe, as well as selling many books and making the writers rich."
b. I do hope you all eventually learn that every one your organised religions are false and simply reflect the cultures in which they were created (by man).
c. Its especially easy to shoot down the newest jewish sects like Christianity and Islam. Just not really easy to approach on an imdb forum obviously.
d. Simply take this challenge if you can, go out of your religions grasp and educate yourselves to the world beyond, truly question your religion if you really can.
e. Just please, have the grace not to shoot the messenger when reality hits you ..ok? :)"

1. a. In order to understand what people of other religions believe, I've read about them. I haven't studied them and it's evident that you haven't studied the Bible. I can understand the reason that many religions sell books, thereby making the authors righ. However, Born-Again Christian are the only people who are given the promise from the God that we love and serve that he will save us and that he will live in our hearts when we accept him as our Lord and Savior. Jesus lives in my heart, God lives in my praises.
b.I do not have a religion. I believe in God. I believe that he sent his son to earth to die on the cross so that my sins would be washed clean and so that he could send the Holy Spirit to me when he rose from the dead. This isn't a cultural event, it's a personal relationship that I have with the living God, Jehovah/Yaweh. (I'm not a Jehovah's Witness)
c. Since I did look into other religions/gods and found that Jehova is the only true living god, it's easy for me to see that Islam, Buddism, etc, are false.
d. I lived for over 30 years without knowing Jesus. I was very curious about religions in my 20's and came to know Jesus from a promise he gave me. I had been agonizingly trying to do something/get something for about 3 years and wasn't able to do/get it. When I asked him for it in prayer, I heard him in my heart (I can't explain it better than that) telling me that he would give it to me. A few days later, I got it. That cemented my relationship with him. That was over 25 years ago and, since then, he has been ever faithful to me. I found that no other "god" or religion can or will do/help/teach/guide/love/edify/comfort me and other people that I know like Jehovah/Jesus.
e. On Judgment Day, you will not be able to say that no one told you. Do as you asked me . . . read about Jehovah/Yaweh a little more before you carelessly toss him away. He's waiting for you to give him a chance.




i guess your could also be proving the point that moderate believers make ..that 'born again' types are extremists that are more rabid about preaching their religion is THE way and who mentally blind themselves from anything which might disproves their faith. By the way i guess you know how many religions, that far predate christianity, had jesus type figures which all funny enough acted like and were even born on the supposed same day he was ..funny that.

oh well enjoy your belief! as long as you dont torture or kill me for thinking your just another in a long historical line of religious whack jobs.

happy christmas!
