MovieChat Forums > Glee (2009) Discussion > Best and worst Glee characters?

Best and worst Glee characters?

I wander who is your the best and the worst Glee characters? I'm from Poland and I know what Polish think about that but I heard that it looks quite differently in other countries and it is strange for me. What do you think about that?

My favorite characters are Kurt, Blaine and Jesse.
At first, I didn't like Rachel (but I very liked Lea Michele) but now I like everybody.
And you?

I'm sorry for my errors. Unfortunately, my English isn't very good but I hope that you understand what I have written.


I've only just finished s3 and so far I like all the male characters for the girls I didn't care for Rachel or Quinn but at the end of this season they grew on me. And even tho he was only in a few eps I really liked sabastian..mostly cuz I'm a flash fan. There was talk of him becoming a regular but I'm guessing that's around the time he accepted the flash job. In an interview he said he would have liked to go back to glee but he didn't think the scheduling wouldn't have worked.
Honestly I love all the characters, they are all special in their own way.
Since I've only just finished s3 im sure more characters will appear
It's kinda depressing tho cuz I've always shipped Rachel and Finn and watching it now I know that will never happen.


I liked Sebastian too! And I'm watching Flash too but I know him from Glee because I have been watching Flash for only a few weeks. I always shipped him and Santana though I knew that it wasn't possible because he was a gay and she was a lesbian but still they were amazing together.
I've always shipped Rachel and Finn too because there were a few couples which must have been together. There were couples like Kurt and Blaine, Santana and Brittany, Quinn and Puck, Mike and Tina and Rachel and Finn too. It's very sad.


Santana is by far my favorite. Her bitchiness is the best. Sugar is probably my least favorite character.


Hm... Maybe our (Polish) opinion isn't so different from yours that I thought... Most of us likes the same characters which you like. But what about characters like Tina and Rachel (disliked in Poland) or Blaine and Brittany (very liked in Poland)?


Personally, I love Rachel and Brittany. Blaine is not my favorite, but not my most hated; just depends on what season and storyline it is. I don't really care for Tina, especially in the later seasons when she falls for Blaine, mainly because it is a rehash of the season 1 storyline of Mercedes falling for Kurt.


Yea, I also didn't like that storyline of Tina falling for Blaine but the storyline of Mercedes falling for Kurt was very funny. Especially when Kurt said that he loved someone else and looked at Finn but Mercedes thought that he loved Rachel. XD
Thanks for your opinion. It is very helpful.


Yeah, Sugar and Joe were the pointless characters in this show.


The Unholy Trinity are my favorite...

Rachel, Blaine, and Kurt are my least favorite.



Mine is the exact opposite:
Rachel, Blaine and Kurt are my favorites.
The Unholy Trinity are my least favorite.



Kurt, Rachel and Santana Favorites.

Brittany indifferent

Quinn and Blaine least fav.


Best: Santana

She is one of the greatest characters I've seen on a tv show. She's a bully yes, but she has redeemable qualities. Her "coming out" storyline was some incredible writing, and the acting Naya gave (especially when she came out to her grandmother) was heartbreaking - it deserved an award.

Worst: Blaine

I liked him at the start but his character have me fatigue. He was pompous, irritating and the blatant attention he got was purely as a result of "ship" fans who regularly ruin shows. Darren Criss is hot as hell and a very good singer but his acting was terrible


In summary... Blaine is very liked in Poland but I see that most of you don't like him. It's interesting. The least favorite is Rachel in Poland but you didn't talk about her too much. You say about Santana, Quinn or Brittany (The Unholy Trinity). I love them too but honestly I don't know what exactly other Polish think about Santana or Quinn (I think that Brittany is liked). I think that it's 50/50.
My favorite are Blaine and Kurt (Please, don't hate me for that) but in fact I love all of Glee cast.
Thanks to everybody for answers. 


Sorry but how can you speak for an entire country?


When you look at the Polish website about Glee, you'll see that most of Polish people don't like Rachel. There are people who like her but not too much. Maybe, I'm wrong but I say that what I see.


But that is still a very small fraction of the Polish people.

One site of a few people is hardly a referendum.


But Glee isn't very popular in Poland so unfortunately few Polish people watched Glee.

I can correct myself... Most people from Poland, who I was talking with, don't like Rachel but like Blaine. Better? :)

I'm sorry. I try to make sentences as short as possible to understand me because my English isn't very good so I'm afraid of making too many mistakes. Sometimes, it can make that you misunderstand me but I don't mean anything by it. :(


Favorite characters: Blaine, Kurt, Mike, Puck (especially in season 2) Sam, Artie, Finn,Mersades (although she was a huge diva). I also appreciated Rachel in early seasons. She was sometimes obnoxious, but she was written to be. I like the early Tina but she became awful in later seasons. I thought Joe was sweet, and Jake was very interesting. I liked Will and his optimistic attitude. I liked Quinn in later seasons. And my favorite minor character was Burt Hummel. Such an amazing character. Marley was sweet with a great voice, although I hated the Jake and Ryder triangle. I also loved Coach Beiste until the whole sex change thing in season 6. Totally out of character.

Least favorite characters: Britney and Santana (although I though Sam and Britney were cute.). Ryder, Rory, wade (unique) Kitty, Sugar, season 1 Quinn, but I grew to like her.


And I really disliked Becky. They had a good character at first but she became awful. Sad because there was great potential there


Finally someone who likes Blaine and Kurt! I love them.
You are right that Sam and Britney were cute but I always had a few couples that must have been together and this was, among other, Santana and Britney (sorry Sam).
Rachel was interesting character. It's funny because I hated her while I was watching Glee first time but now she is my fourth favorite female character.
I agree with you on many issues but I think that Rory was sweet. He wasn't my favorite but I liked him despite the fact that he was one of those characters that was difficult to understand for me when I tried watching Glee in the original version in English, without subtitles or anything.


I didn't hate Rory. He was just under developed. And I didn't usually like the songs they gave him as solos. As for Blaine, he was my favorite (apart from the cheating storyline which completely uncharacteristic of him). He was charismatic, optimistic, and supportive with everyone, especially Kurt. Even when he cheated, he was honest even when he knew he would loose Kurt. And to me Kurt was the biggest underdog. Thrown in dumpsters in the very first scene, threatened and bullied, but he was such an individual. He was his own person and he wasn't afraid of it. However, the writers didn't always favor him. He didn't usually get solos and he didn't usually accomplish his goals without a lot of struggling (lost student counsil president, didn't get lead in West Side Story, didn't get in to Nyada the first time, ignored by June, voted Prom queen as a cruel joke) but he was such a positive person with a lot of integrity. I also loved Mike because he was such a witty and fun loving guy. I liked Finn because of his leadership qualities although I didn't like how he was a little too into himself at times. Sam was funny, sweet, and kind though I didn't like the stripper aspect. Mersades was a diva but she had a huge heart. Tina was very sweet and I loved her in early seasons. They butchered her character in later seasons. They messed up Artie in season 5 but I loved him too in early seasons. And I didn't mention Sue or Emma. Emma was sweet and innocent and I liked her but I thought it off character to love Rocky horror. I know Jayma auditioned with that song but it didn't fit Emma ( nothing about her wanted to be dirty. She had Ocd for crying out loud.). And Sue, I loved to hate her. She was a great nemesis, although way too over the top. She was supposed to be. And other side characters, I loved Lauren in season 2. She was funny.


I think that Kurt was kind of fighter. Yes, he was the biggest underdog but he didn't let anyone to beat himself (I don't know if this sentence makes sense in English). And he was cute anyway. He had been my favorite character before Blaine was appeared on Glee. And they were my favorite couple but that cheating didn't fit Blaine. So I actually agree with you when it comes to Kurt and Blaine. 
I liked Mike but I think that he wasn't appreciated enough. He was amazing dancer but in my opinion he had too few story lines.
Finn have never been my favorite but I liked him. Sam too.
Sue, Emma, Will and other teachers were OK but I always focused on students more.
If we are talking about who like or not I must write about Jesse. I know that he was only a few episodes but I loved him almost so much like Kurt and Blaine. I always shipped Rachel and Finn but when Finn died I wanted Jesse back.


I agree about mike. Very underrated. So charismatic. Jesse got better and he was so talented He could be a self absorbed jerk, but so could Rachel



Love Santana and Britney.
Sebastian too for the short time he was there.

Hate Finn and Will. My God are they annoying. Will might be the worst teacher ever. Rachel is barf-worthy in the beginning but grows a lot.


I hate Mercedes she's the worst
