The song Kevin listens to

1st of all: I was very pleased with this movie, being a huge fan of the Ben 10 franchise, and I was super happy to see my fave alien, Big-Chill, in live action :) They did a nice job with his powers and his live-action look was epic :D Glad they got Dee Bradley Baker to still voice him :)

2nd: It's been bugging me since I first seen this movie, and I can't find any info about it anywhere. But in the scene where Kevin is trying to break to codec to figure out more about the alien chips, what was the song he was listening to?

If anyone has heard the song before and knows who it's by, I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me :) It seemed like a great song and I would love to listen to the full version. Thanks!!!


I LOVE Supernatural, Ben 10, Beetlejuice, Jared Padalecki, Sam Winchester, and Big-Chill <3
