Mexican drivin around

He was really funny. Calling the women whores and talkin about his major shlong. Most of the mexicans were really hot, but that one stupid schifosa who was running around with her shirt up and pants in her ankles really pissed me off.


I actually felt really sad for the girl who lifted her shirt and pulled down her's not like she was trying to be seductive...just...shocking for the sake of being noticed. I think she probably has some sort of mental disorder...maybe some form of autism?


I thought she was funny. I'm thinking she was on something, or maybe she's just a looney exhibitionist.


Im mexican and i cam tell you that the girl
Lifting her shirt and skirt wasnt ok. She was either really drugged or had some sort of mental problem.


I liked this documentary but the disparity between the cultures shown in this video was astounding.

The girls in Thailand look the most happy out of all the people there. What they were doing was completely voluntary and a chosen occupation for them whereas the Mexicans were addicted to drugs and fueling their addictions with prostitution. And then watching the underaged girls in Bangladesh sell their bodies was incredibly depressing and quite hard to watch for me.


He reminded me of a psychopath: He simultaneously had contempt for the women and desired them


He was high (on coke), I guarantee you. Everyone does "pases" down there and you instantly become a sex fiend afterwards.
