Shame on you John Woo

Shame on you John Woo for changing the story just to add in the feminist hate politics. It is bad enough that every North American movie and TV show has Misandrist hate politics that portray men as dumb, submissive and emotionally weak cry babies. Shame on you. Shame on you.

Feminism is a Misandrist Cult. Feminist Misandrist Hate is The Emperor's New Clothes


First off, there were waaaaay more male characters in this movie than female, which makes it possible to show a wider range of character types amongst the males in the story. Additionally, the majority of the principal male characters in this movie are complete badasses. They all possess exceptional aptitude in physical and/or mental prowess, which ultimately leads to an impossible victory over an unstoppable force.

Conversely, I counted 2 principal female characters, as most of the women had retreated to a safe place before the battles began. It only makes sense that these women are going to be strong and confident.

Now, onto my questioning why I even responded to your BS post: Misandry? That's a joke of a concept if I ever heard one. In pretty much every culture ever, women have been subjugated to second-class status in so many ways. Misogyny is real and is the route of so many negative cultural constructs that make a woman feel devalued. Sorry if you feel threatened by strong female characters, but I say the more the merrier.


She seems to have a permanent hedgehog in her knickers. Always the same boring old shtick. Sounds like some kind of gender identity problem to me.


Yeah. I know many women will often try to impress men by differentiating themselves from their gender and putting forth the image that they're "one of the cool girls," but this is just going way the hell overboard...if this person is a woman anyway.


Heh. That's what I meant by the gender identity comment.
