Oh My God Reviewed

Oh My God is a film that sets itself up for disappointment, because it attempts to tackle a subject too big for anyone – or any one film – to solve, answer or define absolutely. That reality boils the outcome of the film down to one of three choices: God doesn’t exist in any form; God does exist in the exact form as the one true religion states; or God exists in some watered down form that everyone can agree on just to keep from killing each other. Once audiences come to that realization, the rest of the film is spent waiting to see in which angle filmmaker Peter Rodger decides to frame his presentation. That’s not a criticism, just an observation that audiences should be aware of.



Am an avid documentary watcher, an atheist and somebody who also loved Religulous. This movie almost bored me to death. It is really pointless almost random interviewing with lot of interviews adding little value or direction to the film. Recommend avoiding.


Sadly, I must also agree. Slightly interesting, but a lot of wasted time here.
