Memorable quote

"Maybe one day I'll wake up dead." This should make the Memorable Quotes section on imdb website for TWWGB.

TWWGB made me laugh, cry, and think.

I was suprised that I was so moved by it, but I am really glad that I saw it.

I lost my dad at age 86 in 2009 and he was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in 2010. People are dying and then waiting to get in there. True story. The greeters in TWWGB reminded me of how much I miss my dad, and how blessed I am to still have my mom at age 84. I am so glad that I spent the day with her today. I took her to get her hair cut and to run errands at grocery stores and drug stores. I hug her now every time I see her and every time I drop her off, never knowing when it may be the last time. She is Scandinavian raised in Minnesota and she is not much of a hugger, but she is now gracious about receiving incoming hugs.

We live and we learn. Good to be reminded.
