MovieChat Forums > Beer Wars (2009) Discussion > Budweiser is a good product

Budweiser is a good product

Like most beer drinkers I know, I enjoy a wide variety of beers. However, I don't agree with this documentary's overly negative assessment of Budweiser.

The fact is, Adolphus Busch put a lot of knowledge and skill and effort into making a great beer. It didn't become as big as it is today because of advertising, but because people liked the product.

I think that this documentary is kind of insulting to the American people, because it says that we are all mindless morons who keep drinking a horrible product only because of repeated advertising. Now, I do often try a new product because of an ad. But, if the product is horrible, I don't become a repeat customer. So you have to ask yourself- why do people continue to buy Budweiser over and over again? Could it be that it is actually good for what it is, a basic beer?

Sometimes people forget what the point of beer drinking is, and it's not to be some kind of connoisseur, discussing the subtle flavor hints and exotic ingredients of the product. IT IS TO GET INTOXICATED AND HAVE FUN. And Budweiser provides that experience, because it is easy enough to be drinkable. I do enjoy craft beers, but have you ever tried to get intoxicated with them?! Have you ever tried to slam a six pack of Samuel Adams? Holy crap it is so hard. They are all so chock full of stuff that your system can't handle the heaviness.

Craft beers seem to be made for people that like to have a flavorful beer with their meal. But they don't work well for when you want to sit around with your friends and laugh and have fun.

I'm not arguing that Budweiser is the best beer, but I am arguing that it has its place, and that place is well deserved.


Not everyone drinks beer to get intoxicated in fact I would say very few people want to go through a whole six pack by themselves. You can drink micro brews with with friends I have done it several times and I can find a wide variety of beers that taste better then Bud I honestly don't see the point in buying beer that doesn't taste good but obviously to each his own.

What this film does point out is how the beer distribution process in this country is flawed which can make it hard to find beers like Dog Fish. If different types of micro brews could compete on an equal playing field I doubt the numbers would be so skewed toward Bud


The sole purpose of drinking alcoholic beverages is intoxication, period. If you enjoy the flavor of an alcoholic beverage, that is a mere side effect. It is not the main reason for the existence of alcoholic beverages in human civilization. It is not the main reason that most people drink alcoholic beverages. Most people drink alcohol to get intoxicated. Otherwise we would drink a Coca-Cola.

If you do not get a buzz, that is a waste of beer. Why even make an alcoholic beverage, then? If you drink beer for the taste, drink O'Douls. Don't squander precious beer that could be put into service to produce epicness. Beer is for partying like a freaking Viking in a mead hall and having an awesome time.

Again, I love all the unique craft beers, but I think that Budweiser is loved by Americans because it has a simple, basic, good taste that lends itself well to social drinking. Americans love it not because we're dumb, but because people don't want to have filet mignons all the time. We just want some everyday fare that gives us the buzz we're really seeking.

So I guess I fundamentally disagree with the premise of this film, which is that Budweiser is a sub par product that we only continue to drink because we're mindless automatons that do whatever we are told by advertisements.
Budweiser was once a small brewery too, and they earned their present place because they produced a great beer.


Getting a buzz and getting intoxicated are two different things. The beer drinking market for people that want to put on a viking hat and get intoxicated is only a portion of customers. Its mostly males ages 21-45 and even in that group its only a part of it since most males move beyond the intoxication goal as they get older. If only frat boys bought beer then microbrews wouldn't exist but that isn't the case so their share of the market continues to grow.

I don't get the point of buying something without good flavor whether its food or a drink especially when I am trying to have fun. Its not like it has to be a filet mignon but why have a lot of something that doesn't taste good? Getting intoxicated is easier with hard alcohol why drink 6 beers that taste awful to get there? Budweiser's place as a giant has a lot to do with the fact that they have a large control over how beer is distributed in this country. As microbrews have improved their distribution abilities their share of the market has continued to grow while Budweiser's share has continued to go down every year. If microbrews were allowed to increase their distribution potential their share of the market would be even larger. There are times I can't even find a Dog Fish beer and they are one of the more established microbrews. You and your friends may practice brand loyalty but a lot of people wouldn't and that is already the case even without changing the huge advantage in distribution that Bud has


"Move beyond the intoxication goal"?! What are you talking about? That defies the very essence of the product.

That's like saying:

I drive a car, but I have moved beyond the goal of traveling from place to place.

I wear glasses, but I have moved beyond the seeing clearly goal.

I pray, but I have moved beyond the goal of talking to God.

I wear a watch, put I have moved beyond the knowing-what-time-it-is goal.

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WERE INVENTED BY MANKIND FOR THE PURPOSE OF GETTING INTOXICATED. That is why they exist. That is the reason why they have alcohol in them. All other purposes are secondary.

Despite the fact that your reasoning defies the canons of logic, I bet your rhetoric makes you feel a lot more mature, though, doesn't it? "Oh, I'm much superior to younger people because I don't drink to get intoxicated anymore." Well, you shouldn't drink at all then.


There is a very successful wine industry that shows there is a large market of people not drinking to get intoxicated again intoxicated isn't the same as getting buzzed there are degrees of drinking my basic point is not everyone takes it to the same degree. I am not sure how or why you spun that into me saying I am superior (perhaps the frat boy comment?) That wasn't the point I was trying to make at all. There was a time I would drink a lot with my friends as well I am not making judgment on people that do that I am simply stating that the market is larger then just people that want to drink a six pack at once and market research on alcohol confirms it so I don't even know how this is a point of debate. You said there are times you drink micro brews. You seem to want to make value judgments on people that don't drink to get intoxicated which is ironic given that last post

What I am saying isn't I have a car and have moved beyond driving it. I am saying not everyone drives a car to go 100 mph otherwise the only market that would exist are sports cars. In a world with billions of people we have market shares for a variety of consumers with different preferences yet in the USA we have a distorted beer market due to our beer distribution laws which is the premise of this film


A six pack?? Here in Ireland that's a starter pack :) - No kidding. Many people would sit and watch tv and go through a 6 pack [500ml cans, not those baby ones] and think nothing of it.


You have to be Irish to drink that way


There hasn't been a beer that resembled Adolphus Busch's pre-Prohibition recipes since well, Prohibition started. Today they are loaded with fillers, chemicals, unnatural materials to cut corners.

I think that this documentary is kind of insulting to the American people, because it says that we are all mindless morons who keep drinking a horrible product only because of repeated advertising.
So you have to ask yourself- why do people continue to buy Budweiser over and over again? Could it be that it is actually good for what it is, a basic beer?
Except that's IS exactly why people keep buying it. A few years ago they had that Daily Show guy Rob Riggle smugly telling people that it's easier to hide imperfections in darker, more cloudy beers, ignoring the fact that the reason why it's easier is because FLAVOR masks imperfections. The only thing they got right in those commercials was that lagers are harder to brew, especially ones with as little flavor as Bud - that's why they tell you to drink them ICE COLD because drinking fluids at that temperature masks virtually all flavor.

The beer scene has been dominated (and I mean large market share, not the ~5% craft beer share) by roughly 6 beers over the last 50 years.

-Schlitz (until they tinkered with their recipe and imploded in the late 70s they were the best selling beer for something along the lines of 20+ years)
-Bud Light
-Miller Lite
-Coors Light
-Miller Genuine Draft

The reason why people keep buying them is because people simply don't know any better because outside some outliers in the Macro-world virtually all the options available to people up to about the last 5-10 years have been worse - malt liquor and the like.

And on top of that, yes - a big point of this film was that people AREN'T coming back for more. They're moving away from the big two beer companies (InBev and SABMiller) and buying more and more micro brews. And BMC's reaction? Make knock-off products that might not sell very well, but eliminate the competition's shelf space.

Sometimes people forget what the point of beer drinking is, and it's not to be some kind of connoisseur, discussing the subtle flavor hints and exotic ingredients of the product. IT IS TO GET INTOXICATED AND HAVE FUN. And Budweiser provides that experience, because it is easy enough to be drinkable. I do enjoy craft beers, but have you ever tried to get intoxicated with them?! Have you ever tried to slam a six pack of Samuel Adams? Holy crap it is so hard. They are all so chock full of stuff that your system can't handle the heaviness.
For many, the "intoxication" is a side-benefit of the beer - based on your statements in this thread I presume you're using "intoxicated" to mean fall-down drunk. Nearly every single person I associate with these days goes out, drinks a few brews over the period of a few hours and are perfectly fine to head to bed *without* being "intoxicated." Certainly people who drink wine (an alcoholic product) would be surprised to hear that the only reason that they are drinking is to get piss drunk.

To be perfectly honest, I've gone to a few people's houses and have gone to bed virtually sober because I get sick of what little "flavor" there is in the beer as well as the horrendous amount of injected carbonation before I get close to getting drunk.

The problem here is that no one should be "slamming" beer, whether it is relatively good stuff (Sam Adams) or garbage (BMC). I'd certainly offer up the suggestion to just cut out the middle man and drink hard liquor. That "stuff" that they are all so "chock full of" are natural ingredients, before unnatural filters and chemicals strip them out.

Personally, if people want to buy the product they can go ahead, but the argument you're making is more akin to telling people that "food is food" and that everyone who wants to eat some beer may as well all just eat at McDonalds instead of some authentic steakhouse.

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."


The fact is, Adolphus Busch put a lot of knowledge and skill and effort into making a great beer. It didn't become as big as it is today because of advertising, but because people liked the product.

Adolphus Busch DID come up with a pretty good beer recipe. However, years ago, beers were territorial and only distributed in the area of the brewery. Budweiser & I believe Pabst (I may be wrong on Pabst) were two of the first brewers to try to open a second brewery in another location around the country, to get a wider distribution of their beer. The problem, however, was that they couldn't make the product taste the same in the separate locations, due to factors such as different iron content in the water, elevation, etc (this is evidenced still today in the fact that you can't get true NY pizza down in let's say Florida). So what did Anheuser Busch do? They purposely dumbed down their Budweiser recipe to make it as simple as possible, so that they could get the taste as close as possible in the different locations. So how can you call a ruined product a "great" beer?

I will refuse a free Budweiser. I can't stand drinking that horse piss. I think many Americans drink Bud for one's cheap. You can buy a 30 pack of Bud for what, $10? I would much rather spend $15 on a 6 pack of something good than spend $1 on Budweiser.

The sole purpose of drinking alcoholic beverages is intoxication, period. If you enjoy the flavor of an alcoholic beverage, that is a mere side effect. It is not the main reason for the existence of alcoholic beverages in human civilization. It is not the main reason that most people drink alcoholic beverages. Most people drink alcohol to get intoxicated. Otherwise we would drink a Coca-Cola.

I drink beer because I enjoy the flavor of it (good beer that is). I may have a beer or two with my dinner. I'm not drinking it just to get drunk or even buzzed. Often times when I'm at home, I may drink 6-8 beers. Again, I'm not going to get drunk or even buzzed, just enjoying the taste. Perhaps alcohol was first invented to get drunk, but that's not the main reason for it any longer.

If you do not get a buzz, that is a waste of beer. Why even make an alcoholic beverage, then? If you drink beer for the taste, drink O'Douls. Don't squander precious beer that could be put into service to produce epicness. Beer is for partying like a freaking Viking in a mead hall and having an awesome time.

That's your opinion. I don't always care about getting a buzz. Why not drink O'Douls? Because like Bud, it tastes like s#it.


It's watery piss.


I wouldn't buy my worst enemy a case of Budwieser ;) Craft beer is where it's at. I've been brewing my own for two years...and the best beer I've had has come right out of my own kitchen. :D


If I only wanted to get wasted, I'd drink hard liquor. I drink beer for the rich, complex flavor; a nice buzz is the desired side effect. Pilseners do not do that for me.

Bud, Miller and Coors have a place, and that place is not in my mouth.

All Art is pretense.
