This is Fanboys at their worst.

Now i'm no Lucas defender,ill call out what I think sucks and doesn't work {Jar-Jar Binks,Greedo shooting first etc},but this is fandom at it's worst.
The fact is every property that has an impact on popular culture has things that people don't like.
Superman 3-4 and multiple comics.Batman 3-4 and multiple comics.Spiderman 3 and multiple comics.X-MEN 3 and multiple comics.The HULK,Daredevil,Fantastic 4 Movies.Every Star Trek movie except 2 and the 2009 reboot.The Masters of the Universe movie w/Cortney Cox and the list goes on and on.
Bottom line sure Jar Jar sucks but not everything the guy does sucks.I mean this is the guy who changed movies and gave us everything good about star wars and indiana jones,sure the bad thing he gave us to but get over it,it's just entertainment.


The fact that you're comparing the StarWars films to any of those movies (perhaps not their impact as a franchise as a whole, but at least the movies) just goes to show that you don't get it, and therefore are not going to get this documentary.


Please get a life.


To be fair Harry Potter hasn't seen a drop in quality. Obviously some would didsgree but what I mean is there hasn't been a sort of backlash/hatred for any of the films or books.

Fright Night (1985) - 8/10
Jack and Jill - 2/10


Every Star Trek movie except 2 and the 2009 reboot.

Okay I agreed with you until this.

Star Treks 1, 5, Insurrection, and Nemesis are really bad. I agree there.

Star Treks 4, 6, and First Contact were awesome. Search for Spock is pretty good, it's just unfortunately sandwiched between two better Trek movies.

Generations has a ton of plot holes, but it has its moments.


Star Trek 2009? You're kidding, right? As an adventure movie, it rocked, but it's NOT Star Trek. The destruction of the planet Vulcan? The death of Amanda? "Red" matter? Escaping from a black hole and jumping to warp by jettisoning the warp core? Seriously? Does Abrams have even the remotest shred of a clue of how Star Trek is supposed to work, or, for that matter, physics in general? The 2009 Star Trek would be akin to Luke Skywalker having Jar Jar Bink's love child... coming up on the next Geraldo!

