MovieChat Forums > The People vs. George Lucas (2011) Discussion > Which footage from 'Raiders' is shown?

Which footage from 'Raiders' is shown?

Do tell . . .


I would like to know . . .


I really would


Are you asking about the fan film? If so here: q=raiders+of+the+lost+ark+fan+film&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.7642j0j7&am p;sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8

The stuff is everywhere. The whole film used to be on YouTube (might still be) but I've seen it pulled for copyright claims now by the kids/adults who made it.

BTW, their names are Eric Zala, Jayson Lamb and Chris Strompolos. I think I saw a documentary on independent filmmaking that had huge sections about the film included, but I can't recall the title right now (nor find it). Anyway, hope this helps if it's what you've been looking for.


I generally get freaked out by the melty face so I was wondering if they show that. Just looking for a heads up.


I don't recall the melty face...they did show the man on fire medium shots. Also, now that I think about it, there were some 'split-screen' comparisons between the original 'Raiders' and the fan film. But again, I don't recall them showing the melting face.
