train wreck

Come on, guys, I like Rosie a lot -- but this was a mess. I was so hoping for a modern version, a hip variety show circa 2008, but this looked like the worst parts of the Oscars (bad patter and production numbers) without the excitement of seeing who wins. Soooo dated somehow as if someone transported Alanis back in time to "The Lawrence Welk Show" (with birds flying on a loop behind her? That's as deep as it could go?) Rosie, I beg you, please go find a producer that's not locked in "Donny and Marie" times -- anyone from Bravo TV would probably do well (ask Kathy Griffin who handles her show, for one). It could so work. But not like this. More Carol Burnett and less Beverly Sills. Disa-POINTed!


:( Sad, but true. I expected so much more from Rosie.

Closets are for toys!
Overturn Prop 8!


I tuned in one minute, and Rosie was singing???? a duet with Gloria Estefan. It was the worst singing I've ever heard. How on earth do you make Gloria Estefan sound bad. Somehow you managed it Rosie. It was soooooooooooo bad. I'll never forgive you for that Rosie.

Chaos, Panic & Disorder! My work here is done.


Its exactly the kind of show you get when you put an untalented blimp in charge.
rosie stopped being funny in the early 90's.......what am I sayin'? Let me rephrase, She stopped being mildly amusing in the early 90's, This sow has never been funny.

Proud to be a member of PETA...People Eating Tasty Animals.


This was a mess...I was actually embarassed for Rosie...and that duet w/Liza Minnelli? OMG, she was brilliant in CABARET, 30 years ago, but somebody really needs to tell this aging diva that she can't sing anymore, that was just a joke and Kathy Griffin playing Nancy Grace...I'm getting a headache just thinking about it again.


I about threw up after watching this special!

