Pulse 2 or Pulse 3?

I need to go with Pulse 3.



Pulse 3 for me, because it has an actual story (And for the most part, one that makes sense), something Pulse 2 was lacking. I like Pulse 3 better than the original Pulse as well. Saying the 3rd is better than the last two may not be saying a lot, but I wouldn't mind a few more of these, if they were more horror oriented.

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I made almost 1/2 hour into "Pulse 2" before turning it off in disappointment. "Pulse 3" was a freebie at Blockbuster so if it's worse than part 2 (How could that be?) it'll be no great loss. Quite liked "Pulse" tho.

"There's my buttercup!"


Out of the 2, I'm gonna have to go with 2. 3 did have more a story, but I could not STAND the main girl and wanted her to die about a quarter of the way through the movie and only wanted to see her die more as it went on. 2 had a story, but it was a smaller one. It wasn't about what was happening in general, but more about what's happening to this one family. It was alright, but felt like a stepping stone, a bridge of a movie since it starts with Zeigler, he talks about a plan he's got and then disappears. I was waiting for him and figured he must be in the 3rd one and he and his plan were, so that was good. After 3 was over though, I was so angry at it that I think I'm going to throw my disc away 'cause I can't imagine watching it ever again simply 'cause I hated Justine so much. She deserved to die, slowly.


#3 for sure. The terrible green screen work in #2 is slightly improved on, but they over used it far too much in both movies.

Now if they used their heads and took the best out of these 2 sequels and made one movie, then it might be alright.

And more Kristen Bell from the first movie ;)


No.3 defo. I liked the story, I thought it was good. It was really panned by critics but i can't really see why other than the really shoddy greenscreen work however all in all 3 was just better than 2!

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Thanks. I really did not like Pulse 2 that much. Pulse was okay-pretty good and Pulse 3 was good.


Pulse 2 was sooooo bad.
Pulse 3 was slightly better so i vote pulse 3!

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