Barb, end of picture

Where was she going ..she ran out of the house, jumped into the truck( where I presume the keys were) and down the road no money , no clothes except the ones on her back. Did I miss something ?


I figured she was going home. 



Probably, but how ? no money to buy gas, or food as I could see, She was going from OK to CO. must need a gas refill sometime


That was somewhat problematic. More symbolic than anything, I think. But unrealistic.


I thought she was going to the place where her dad committed suicide? I could be wrong.


She was going home. Spending 1 more minute in the house with her mother was not worth grabbing clothes, etc.
You make a good point though. Unless her purse was already in the car, she's in trouble.


i got the impression she was running away from her problem, like the rest of her sisters (and father). Mom's the only one who stayed. the only one who was strong. i think Barbara was realizing she was turning into her mother.


I'm convinced she went home to Colorado, based on the way she looked back from where she had just driven, and the road sign she passes showing Denver some 648 miles or so ahead.

If you watch the scene in the dining room with her mother after Ivy has driven off, she says to her mother that she (her mother) was the strong one, hugs her, then she turns to go out the door. As she turns she leans over and grabs what looks to be her purse and goes out the door. The keys were probably in her father's truck.


Around timestamp 1:49:13, right after Barbara (Julia) hugs her mother for the last time, she leans over and grabs a set of keys. Not only do you briefly see them, their jangling sound is clearly audible - it even causes her mother to do a double-take and realize that Barb is taking off. It's possible she also grabbed a small purse/wallet too, but after watching it several times, it's not totally clear...maybe on the way out the kitchen door. :)

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


I thought maybe she was going to take a stroll down memory lane with Sheriff Prom Date.... escape her awful reality for an hour or six.
