What a horrible show!

just started watching it here in Australia and its so boring for a teenage show. Makes Gossip Girl and 90210 look like masterpieces and thats bad when you consider how bad those shows are. Plus where are the good looking actors? Epic Fail!


Well I guess you'll be happy to find out its been cancelled!
Unfortunately, alot of people disagree with you.
And "where are the good looking actors"? you must be blind!
Ethan Peck is a sexy beast and his chemistry with Lindsey Shaw is hot!
This show, unlike the other ones you mentioned, actually has heart...and I'll really miss that.

Our Love is God. Let's go get a slushie.


Ethan Peck is sexy? Yeah maybe if you're blind haha. I don't see the heart, sure it doesn't have nice clothes or cool music but it has below average looking kids reusing teenage story lines. Sounds great, I'm sorry no one likes this, stopped watching it and now its being canceled. Too bad because it had a lot of potential to be like the movie, but it failed. Plus no one can live up to Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles, this is a perfect example haha.


I guess I'm blind, because yes I think Ethan Peck is good looking.

But maybe I just have "below average" taste in looks. LMFAO


I guess I'm blind too. Joey is hot too. Lindsey Shaw and Meaghan Jette Martin are both very pretty in my opinion. This show is VERY well-casted.


Oh, and I think Gossip Girl, 90210, Secret Life, and Grey's Anatomy are all crap shows. No heart--just soapiness. Yuck. Ten Things is charming and witty.


I don't like Gossip Girl or 90210 but this is worse than those shows and I didn't even know that was possible haha.


Really? You think so? I love "10 Things." It has such smart dialogue. I love sarcasm, wit, pop culture references, and deadpan. I find the show HILARIOUS and NOT over the top dramatic/unrealistic. And Kat is awesome.

As far as teen shows go, the only one I currently watch is "10 Things." It's just my cup of tea, I guess. I don't watch a lot of shows. Right now, the only 2 I watch religiously are "10 Things," and "House, MD." Before that was "Scrubs," but it's over now.

What don't you like about it exactly? You never specified. And what kind of shows DO you like?


Ok for one I think it has a terrible cast, the only good actors in the show is the girl who plays Chasity and the father Larry Miller. Joey is nothing like he is in the movie, they could of capitalized on his character and made him really comedic.

Also would of been nice to have the guy playing Heath ledgers role do an Australian accent, but Americans are always rubbish at Aussie accents, just would've been funny to see that horrible actor try it.

Another the film is quintessentially 90s something about the film I liked, but this tv show just seems like a disnified Gossip Girl. And Gossip Girl has a lot of pop culture references. Also the film referenced Shakespeare a lot, this one doesn't, which is a let down. There is so much material they could of used.


It's "could have" not "could of".



what this show was awesome!

You can't swing a dead cat in hollywood without hitting someone with a vampire script


Dash99, you are struggling and spinning to justify your reaction to the show, but you are losing on every front. Most obviously, Meaghan Martin is the cutest young actress to come around in a long time. Plus her acting and her chemistry with Lindsey Shaw is remarkable. It's a shame you are so hate-filled you can't recognize good writing and acting when you see it. That is obvious when you claim the girl who played Chastity was the best thing on the show. Her "acting" was so over the top it was hard to bear watching her chew the scenery whenever she was on screen. She was far and away the least believable character on the show.
